Tax Collector

The Tax Collector is only responsible for the billing and collection of all property taxes.  Information and questions regarding your tax assessment can be obtained from the Tax Assessor’s Office.

Anne M. Blake, CTC
Tax Collector
16 Lanning Boulevard
East Windsor, NJ  08520
(609) 443-4000 ext. 430                                                               

Online Tax Payment and Information  

Tax payments can be made online by e-check or debit card or credit card, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Payments are subject to a convenience fee of $1.95 for e-check payments and 2.95% for all other credit and debit card payments.  This service also allows a taxpayer online access to the current year's tax bill as well as their tax account history for the prior three years.

Go to:

Tax Collector Links  

  News and Notices  

  Tax Bills    

Make checks payable to:  East Windsor Tax Collector.  Tax bills are mailed once a year during the summer.  The bill you receive has third and fourth quarters of the current year, and first and second quarters of the following year.  Due dates for each quarter are printed on the payment stubs of the bill: February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1.  There is no discount for prepayment.  A ten (10) day grace period is offered on these payments. 

  • Receipts – The entire bill and a self-addressed stamped envelope must accompany remittances requiring receipt.  Otherwise, it is acceptable to detach the appropriate stub to mail along with your check, and the canceled check will serve as your receipt. 
  • Interest – Interest of 8% per annum will be charged on amount up to $1500.00 and 18% per annum on amount over $1500.00. A penalty of up to 6% may be charged on any delinquency in excess of $10,000.00 if not paid by the end of the fiscal year. 
  • New Property Owners – It is to the property purchaser’s advantage to contact our office when you purchase a property. 

  Tax Forms    

  Property Tax Deductions For Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons, and Veterans    

Deductions for senior citizens, deductions for disabled persons and Veteran deductions are handled by the Tax Assessor. 

Senior Citizen   

To qualify for any of the $250 deductions, a taxpayer must, as of October 1 of the pre-tax year: 

  • Be legal owner of, or have a fractional interest (i.e. life rights) in, the property on which the deduction is claimed 
  • Be a citizen and resident of New Jersey (the word resident is intended to mean that the applicant must have resided in the State of New Jersey for the 12-month period immediately preceding October 1 of the pre-tax year. 
  • Reside at the property for which the application for deduction is being made 
  • Receive (or reasonably anticipated receiving) an annual income (joint income with spouse) of $10,000 or less, and must be 65 years of age on or before December 31 of the pre-tax year. 

Disabled Individuals   

In addition to the general qualifications above, applicants for a disabled person deduction must be permanently and totally disabled (Disabled means an inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity) as of December 31 of the pre-tax year. 

In addition to the general qualifications above, applicants for a Surviving Spouse of a Senior Citizen or Disabled Person must: 

  • Not have remarried 
  • Have been at least 55 years of age at the time of the death of the deceased spouse 
  • Have reached age 55 by December 31 of the pre-tax year 
  • Be the surviving spouse of a person who was actually receiving either a Senior Citizen deduction or a Disabled Person deduction at the time of his/her death 


To qualify for the Veteran's deduction, the claimant must, as of October 1 of the pre-tax year: 

  • Be legal owner of, or have a fractional interest in the property on which the deduction is claimed (a tenant shareholder in a cooperative or mutual housing corporation is considered to be the owner of his proportionate share of the real property of the entity holding title) 
  • Have an honorable discharge or release under honorable circumstances from active service in time of war in some branches of the US Armed Forces, and be a citizen and legal resident of New Jersey 

For the Surviving Spouse of a Veteran or Service Person: 

  • Be legal owner of, or have a fractional interest in the property on which the deduction is claimed (same language as above) 
  • Not have remarried 
  • Be a legal resident of New Jersey 
  • Be the surviving spouse of a veteran who was honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active service in the time of war in a branch of the Armed Forces of the US. Or, be the surviving spouse of a citizen and resident who met death while on active duty in a branch of the Armed Forces of the US having had active service in time of war in a branch of the Armed Forces of the US, and prove that the deceased was a domiciled citizen and resident of New Jersey at the time of his/her death 

  Tax Sale    

Each year, there is a Tax Sale for unpaid taxes and other municipal charges from the previous year. The tax Sale may take place any time after April 1 for the prior calendar year taxes owed. A list is published in the newspaper for four weeks preceding the sale, and the cost of advertising is added to the delinquent amount owed. The amounts due, however, may be paid up to the day before the sale. If the delinquent accounts are not paid up in full, and the property goes into the sale, a lien is placed against the property. If the lien is picked up by the Township, foreclosure proceedings will begin six months from the date of the sale. If an outside buyer picks up the lien, he must hold it for two years from the date of sale before starting foreclosure proceedings. All liens must be paid by cash, certified check, or money order. 


Senior Freeze   

The Division of Taxation has mailed the 2023 Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement) to senior citizens and disabled residents who may be eligible for the program.  The deadline for filing the application has been extended to October 31, 2024.     

Information is available online at  or by calling the Senior Freeze Hotline: 1-800-882-6597 

This program is designed to freeze the burden of increasing real estate taxes for qualified applicants by establishing a base year of eligibility and comparing that “base” with any subsequent year, the difference to be refunded by the State annually. Eligibility must be continuous otherwise a new base year must be established. 

Qualifications are as follows: 

  • Requires annual application to the state. 
  • Homeowners age 65 or older or receiving Federal Social Security Disability Benefits and who paid property taxes on their principal residence in New Jersey. 
  • Applicants must be NJ residents for at least 10 years, and living in their current home for the last 3 years. 
  • Applicant must meet certain income limits for the application year and the “base year” (year applicant first became eligible).  Income requirements are set by the State annually, and property taxes must be paid in full within the year applied for. 

Frequently Asked Questions