Police Athletic League

East Windsor Police
Athletic League (EWPAL)
30 Airport Road
John Funda (Retired), Director

The East Windsor PAL holds a variety of sports programs for the youth of the community.  Please contact the telephone number above for fee and registration information or online at  www.eastwindsorpal.org .  E-Mail: info@ewpal.org

Program Dates Participants
BASKETBALL January - March Pre K - 4
SOFTBALL April - July Females 6 - 12
BASEBALL April - July Males 4 - 12
FALL SOCCER September - November Youth 3 - 17
INDOOR SOCCER December - March Youth 4 - 18
SPRING SOCCER April - June Youth 3 - 17
TRAVEL SOCCER Year Round Youth 7 - 17
LACROSSE April - June Grades 3 - 8
Spring & Fall Grades K - 5