East Windsor Clean Communities Committee Celebrates 2016 Adopt-A-Spot Program Invites 2017 “Adopt-A-Spot” Participation

Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee celebrated the 2016 Adopt-a-Spot program with a recent wrap-up event.  Under the program, participating groups “adopt” one of the public properties identified by the Committee and keep it clean during the year.  A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been “Adopted by” with the name of the group.  The groups are expected to perform clean-up three times a month from April 1 through November 30. 

The 2016 Adopt-A-Spot program participants included Beth El Synagogue, Boy Scout Troop 59, Boy Scout Troop 5700, Brownie Troop 72702, Cub Scout Pack 53, Girl Scout Troop 70105, Girl Scout Troops 70342, 71905 and 70228, Daisy Troop 72350, East Windsor Police Athletic League, and the Casciano Family. 

Mayor Mironov stated, “The Adopt-A-Spot program has been a tremendous success and we are proud of the participants’ efforts in keeping East Windsor litter-free.  Adopt-A-Spot is a great program in not only ensuring public areas of our community are well-maintained, but also has been a wonderful educational tool for teaching our young people social responsibility and community  pride.”  Mayor Mironov continued, “The Adopt-A-Spot program has involved hundreds of young people and, each year, continues to be a success, providing our next generation of residents an awareness of the value and satisfaction of giving back to their community, while helping to support the activities and service of these worthwhile youth groups.” 

Mayor Mironov and the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee invite and encourage East Windsor community and school youth and adult groups to participate in the Township 2017 Adopt-A-Spot program.  To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.

The 2017 Clean Communities Committee members are: Chairperson John Donnelly, Vice Chairperson Gary Fournier, Kevin Casciano, Vandana Mathur, Douglas Greene, student member Sreya Kilambi, Director of Public Works Raymond Wheaton, Jr., Council Member Alan Rosenberg, and Mayor Janice Mironov.


East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes 2016 Adopt-A-Spot program participants from Brownie Troop 72702.  Pictured (from left to right) are:   (back row) John Donnelly, Clean Community Committee Chairperson;  Sammy Forte, and Mayor Janice S. Mironov;  (middle row) Elizabeth Cano;  Mattea Drew;  Jayden Jansse;  Samara Pukel;  Grace Klim;  Kylie Wriede, and Kira McNair; (front row)  Bella Oliva;  Carly Sweeney;  Shannon Megee, and Erica Spero.

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East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes 2016 Adopt-A-Spot program participants from Boy Scout Troop 59Pictured (from left to right) are:   (back row) Ron Niebo, Assistant Scoutmaster;  Stephen Sharpe, Scoutmaster;  John Donnelly, Clean Community Committee Chairperson;  (middle row) Tyler Mutchnick;   Zachary Hupfl;  Trevor Niebo;  Prathush Neelagiri;  Adithya Kalyan;  John O'Brien;  Aidan Sharpe;  (front row) Mayor Janice S. Mironov;  Brett Spearnock;  Joseph Sholy;  Daniel Giblin;  Joshua Ipe, and Rohan Shah.

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East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes 2016 Adopt-A-Spot program participants from Girl Scout Troop 70342, 71905 and 70228.  Pictured (from left to right) are:   (back row) Nastasia Gayle;  Liz Wainwright;  Mayor Janice S. Mironov;  John Donnelly, Clean Community Committee Chairperson;  Megan Bertrand;  Vera Crabtree;  (middle row) Mallory Bertrand;  Camilla Saboga;  Angelina Benitez;  Valentina Silva;  Emma Baskin;  Kayla Horana;  Adriana Cepeda (front row) Alyssa Horana;  Eliana Winters;  Lily Ipe, and Aania Abdullah.

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East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes 2016 Adopt-A-Spot program participants from Girl Scout Troop 70105.  Pictured (from left to right) are:   (back row) Olivia Harkins;  Chloe Harkins;  Brooke Vagrin;  Susan Vagrin;  Lizzie DiGioia;  Jen DiGioia, Troop Leader;  Lily Puskar;  Kayley Totka;  John Donnelly, Clean Community Committee Chairperson;  Jessica Meidhof;  (front row) Isabella Benitez;  Danielle Cruz;  Mayor Janice S. Mironov;  Jenna Mao, and Emily Hamnett.

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