East Windsor To Go! - Contest #1


May 31, 2020 at 2:42 PM - May 31, 2020 at 11:59 PM

East Windsor To Go! - Social Media Contest for the Week Ending May 31, 2020

By supporting the East Windsor To Go program of ordering great food from our community restaurants, residents can win valuable gift cards from Barnes and Noble by sending us photos of what you ordered for pickup or delivery.   To participate, fill out the form below and upload a picture of where you've shared your East Windsor To Go food order on social media with the hashtags #EWToGOisGreat and #EastWindsorEats.  A selection will be made for the best social media post for East Windsor To Go  and the winner will be notified by e-mail on how to receive the Barnes and Noble gift card.  All East Windsor residents can participate!

Click here to upload your East Windsor To Go! picture submission.