2015 E-News Archive
Archived E-News
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
January 9, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
The Shoppes at East Windsor, a New Retail Center to Be Located Near the Intersection of Route 130 South and Maple Stream Road, Expects to Begin Construction in January. The 40,600 square foot retail center, located on 8.5 acres, is being undertaken by Nanak Development and includes a liquor license for a restaurant. Construction is scheduled to be completed in late fall 2015.
Mercer County Surrogate East Windsor Satellite Office to Continue in 2015, in accordance with an arrangement between Mayor Janice Mironov and Mercer County Surrogate Diane Gerofsky. The Satellite Office is housed at the Township Senior Center and provides residents the opportunity to obtain probate services locally. The East Windsor Surrogate's Satellite Office is offered from 9:30 am to 11:30 am on the 4th Tuesday of each month, specifically for 2015: January 27, February 24, March 24, April 28, May 26, June 23, July 28, August 25, September 22, October 27, November 24, and December 22. For further information or to schedule an appointment, contact the Surrogate's Office at (609) 989-6331.
East Windsor Township 2015 New Year's Food Drive will continue through January 31. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members are asking area residents and businesses to drop off donated non-perishable food items at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard), East Windsor Police Building (80 One Mile Road), or the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company, District II (69 Twin Rivers Drive). The food drive will benefit the Green House Food Pantry at St. Anthony's Church and the Food Pantry at RISE, area-based organizations that provide assistance to local individuals and families.
Reminder: All Dog Licenses Are Required to be Renewed by January 31. All dogs seven months of age or older are required to be licensed. Rabies vaccines must be valid through October 31, 2015 in order to obtain a 2015 license. For information contact the Municipal Clerk's office (609) 443-4000, ext 237.
Annual Windsor-Hightstown Area Ministerium (WHAM) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Will Be Held on Sunday, January 18 at 7 pm, at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 21 Reverend William Powell Drive, Hightstown. The service will be followed by light refreshments.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to "Chocolate: The Exhibition" on Tuesday, January 20 at The Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 9 am and return at approximately 4 pm. The $14 fee includes transportation and entrance to the exhibit. Lunch is on your own. Participants will discover how chocolate goes from the tree to the table and learn about the amazing animals and plants that make the sweet possible. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See "The Whipping Man" on Saturday, January 24 at George Street Playhouse in New Brunswick. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 1 pm and return at approximately 5 pm. The $37 fee includes transportation and admission. Since opening off-Broadway to critical acclaim and winning the Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Play, "The Whipping Man" has become one of the most produced plays in the country. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Recreation Department Offers Trip to Sahara Sams Indoor Water Park in West Berlin on Saturday, February 21. The bus will leave from the municipal building at 9 am and return at approximately 3:30 pm. The $25 fee includes transportation, entrance to the park, lunch and adult supervision for unaccompanied children. Children under 8 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is online, on a first come first serve basis, at:
For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or email recreation@east-windsor.nj.us.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log ontowww.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
January 16, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Mayor Janice Mironov Begins Another Year and Marc Lippman Sworn In as Deputy Mayor for 2015, at the Township Annual Reorganization Meeting held on January 8.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov begins 2015 with oath of office administered by Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administers oath of office to Deputy Mayor Marc Lippman for 2015, while his wife Joanna holds the Bible. -
Volunteers to Township Committees Were Honored at the East Windsor Annual Reorganization Meeting for Their Service to East Windsor Township and provided with Certificates of Appreciation by Mayor Janice S. Mironov. Congratulations and thank you to the Township's outstanding volunteers!
Township volunteers were honored at the reorganization meeting and presented with Certificates of Appreciation. Pictured (from left to right) are: (front row) Milly K. Brown (Local Assistance Board); Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Ondina Jeffers (Commission on Aging Chairperson); Walter Schmidlin (Planning Board); (back row) Edward Kelley (Planning Board Chairperson, Environmental Commission); Rochelle Shifman (Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairperson); Michael Baskin (Recreation Commission); Lenox Ng (Environmental Commission). -
Starplex Cinemas in Town Center Plaza On Route 130 North, Plans Seating Upgrade. Starplex Cinemas, who acquired the former East Windsor Multiplex in December 2013, features lower ticket pricing, $1 hot dogs and 100% digital projection. The seating upgrade will include larger, reclining seats with additional room between the seating aisles. The work is scheduled to begin in January and last through the end of March. Starplex Cinemas will remain open throughout the work. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Starplex Cinemas currently operates 40 theaters and 313 screens in 11 states, including East Brunswick and Ridgefield Park in New Jersey. For additional information visitwww.starplexcinemas.com.
Free Recycling of Rechargeable Batteries Is Available atRadio Shack in East Windsor Village Shopping Center.Accepted are Rechargeable Batteries ONLY, No Lithium household batteries, and batteries must be less than 14 pounds. Note: Car batteries, which exceed the 14 pound weight limit, can be recycled at the Township public works facility, at 309 Ward Street. For additional information contact Radio Shack at (609) 443-1181.
East Windsor Township and the NJ League of Municipalities Offer Scholarship Opportunity to Junior and Senior High School Students. Three $1,000 scholarships are being offered through the Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition. This statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "What My Mayor and Governing Body Do Best" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. An appointed committee will select a semi-finalist and forward the semi-finalist's entry to the scholarship committee of the New Jersey League of Municipalities for their consideration. The State League Scholarship Committee will select 15 finalists and 3 winners from the State. A full application package can be obtained through the Office of Mayor Janice S. Mironov at the municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard) or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 237. All entries should be returned to the East Windsor Mayor's Office by Friday, March 6.
East Windsor Township 2015 New Year's Food Drive continues through January 31. Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members are asking area residents and businesses to drop off donated non-perishable food items at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard), East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road), or the East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No.2 (69 Twin Rivers Drive). The food drive is to benefit the Green House Food Pantry at St. Anthony's Church and the Food Pantry at RISE, area-based organizations that provide assistance to local individuals and families.
REMINDER: Annual Windsor-Hightstown Area Ministerium (WHAM) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Will Be Held onSunday, January 18 at 7 pm, at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 21 Reverend William Powell Drive, Hightstown. The service will be followed by light refreshments.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Volunteers can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click link here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Township Council, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
January 23, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Receives Final Approval for $218,958 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant for Permanent Generators, at the East Windsor public works facility on Ward Street and the East Windsor Senior Center on Lanning Boulevard. This equipment would ensure these critical facilities would always be available for use. The police/court building currently has a back-up generator to ensure continuation of police services.
East Windsor Township Awarded Recycling Tonnage Grant of $37,267 from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, again demonstrating being "green" yields "green". The grant funds, awarded based on recycling collected reports filed by the municipality, are authorized through the Recycling Enhancement Act, funded by a $3 per ton surcharge on trash disposed at solid waste facilities.
Rechargeable Battery Recycling Available at Radio Shack in East Windsor Village Shopping Center. The store offers free recycling of rechargeable batteries only. Lithium household batteries are not accepted and batteries must be less than 14 pounds. Car batteries, which exceed the 14 pound weight limit, are accepted at the Township Recycling Yard, located at 309 Ward Street. For additional information contact Radio Shack at (609) 443-1181.
Mercer County Holds Electronics Recycling and Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, February 7 from 9 am to 2 pm,rain or shine, at the Sun National Bank Center - Lot 1, at 80 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton (intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Route 129). Residents can dispose of camera equipment, central processing units, circuit boards, copiers, electric wire, fax machines, keyboards, laptops and peripherals, microwave ovens, computer mice, networking equipment, phones, printers, scanners, stereo equipment, televisions and VCRs. Only Mercer County residents can utilize paper shredding service, and are limited to a maximum of eight boxes or bags. For further information, visit www.mcia-nj.com or call (609) 278-8086.
East Windsor Township Recognizes 2014 Employees of the Year -- , Recreation Director Liz Cellini, Police Officer Paul Wille, and Public Works Driver/Laborer William Broome. Liz Cellini, Recreation Director since May 2013, has worked to increase local participation and to develop, improve and implement high quality community recreational opportunities as well as enhance the Senior Center operations. She is admired and respected by her co-workers for her knowledge, enthusiasm, dedication to her job, agreeable demeanor and is always available to assist her co-workers regardless of the task. Police Officer Paul Wille, who joined the Township in 2006, is currently assigned to the Uniform Services Division, Secondary Officer in Charge within his platoon, a Field Training Officer, an evidence technician and a certified CPR instructor. He has a tremendous work ethic, is an outstanding role model for new officers, and consistently displays a positive professional demeanor. William Broome, a public works employee since 1988, first in the sanitation division then the roads division, is highly skilled in all public works functions especially with leaf collection. He is always willing to help out, has an excellent work ethic, a strong team spirit and extraordinary dedication to the Township. Congratulations to our 2014 Employees of the Year!
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents East Windsor Township 2014 Employee of the Year Awards to William Broome, Paul Wille and Liz Cellini. Pictured (from left to right) are: Public Works Driver/Laborer William Broome; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Paul Wille and Recreation Director Liz Cellini. -
East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 1 Installed New Officers for 2015. Scott Prykanowski again will serve as Chief and Kira Behen again will serve as President of Rescue Squad, District 1 for 2015. The Township also recognizes and thanks Rescue Squad ChiefTristan Torres and President Rita Teubner for their leadership for stepping up and partnering with Rescue Squad, District 1 to serve our entire community. Congratulations and thank you to all Township dedicated volunteers!
East Windsor Township and the NJ League of Municipalities Offer Scholarship Opportunity to Junior and Senior High School Students. Three $1,000 scholarships are being offered through the Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition. This statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "What My Municipal Government Does Best" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. An appointed committee will select a semi-finalist and forward the semi-finalist's entry to the scholarship committee of the New Jersey League of Municipalities for their consideration. The State League Scholarship Committee will select 15 finalists and 3 winners from the State. A full application package can be obtained through the Office of Mayor Janice S. Mironov at the municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard) or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 237. All entries should be returned to the East Windsor Mayor's Office by March 10.
Reminder: All Dog Licenses Are Required to be Renewed by January 31. All dogs seven months of age or older are required to be licensed. Rabies vaccines must be valid through October 31, 2015 in order to obtain a 2015 license. For information contact the Municipal Clerk's office (609) 443-4000, ext. 237.
Tips for Residents to Follow During Winter Weather Advisories and Storms:
Be aware of parking regulations and once snow has begun,remove all vehicles from roadways marked "NO PARKING ON SNOW COVERED ROADWAYS," to enable plow trucks to clear the roads. In general, it is helpful to park vehicles in garages and driveways
wherever possible and not on the street during a storm to improve street snow clearing and safety.
Remove accumulated snow from abutting sidewalks within 24 hours, to assist neighbor and school student safety. When clearing snow, be mindful not to shovel snow into roadways or adjoining properties.
Shoveling out neighborhood fire hydrants is encouraged to allow for quick location and access in event of an emergency. Residents should be aware of fire hydrant locations and street address signs that could become inaccessible due to snow accumulation.
Unless officially authorized, residents should never assume thatfrozen ponds or lakes are suitable for skating or other recreational activities.
Encourage Neighbors and Friends to Sign-Up for E-News to receive Alerts and stay informed during weather events and emergencies. To register for E-News [Click Here].
For changes in Township schedules, including municipal office hours, garbage district collections and other important updates, visit the Township website www.east-windsor.nj.us, or call the Township information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400.
Residents working in harmony with the Township and the Police and Public Works Departments will help make achieving the common goal of "a safer community" a reality this winter.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!
January 25, 2015
No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Monday, January 26 and Tuesday, January 27 Due to Anticipated Winter Storms. Garbage Collection for Area #1 residents, normally on Monday, January 26, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Thursday, January 29. Garbage collection for Area #2 residents, normally on Tuesday, January 27, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Friday, January 30.
Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!
January 26, 2015
Due to the anticipated winter storm conditions:
The East Windsor Township Senior Center will be CLOSING EARLY today Monday, January 26, at 1pm.
The East Windsor Municipal Court 6 pm Evening Session for today Monday, January 26 has been CANCELLED. Individuals with matters scheduled for this Court session are instructed to contact the Court at (609) 448-3228 to reschedule for another date. The morning and afternoon session are taking place as scheduled.
Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, tune into Community Access TV Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!
January 26, 2015
Due to severe anticipated winter storm conditions and updates from the New Jersey State Office of Emergency Management, East Windsor Township Municipal Offices will be CLOSEDtomorrow, Tuesday, January 27. This includes:
East Windsor Township Municipal Building
East Windsor Township Senior Center
All Senior Transportation Services
There will be NO SERVICE for Township Princeton Junction Shuttle for Tuesday, January 27. Any questions or issues, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 245.
The East Windsor Township School District has CANCELLEDclasses for Tuesday January 27.
Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, tune into Community Access TV Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
January 30, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Begins Monday, February 2 for Township Residents. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Registrations will be accepted beginning February 2 and program information will be available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 214.
East Windsor Recreation Department is Accepting Applications for 2015 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
REMINDER: Mercer County Holds Electronics Recycling and Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, February 7 from 9 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the Sun National Bank Center - Lot 1, at 80 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton (intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Route 129). Residents can dispose of camera equipment, central processing units, circuit boards, copiers, electric wire, fax machines, keyboards, laptops and peripherals, microwave ovens, computer mice, networking equipment, phones, printers, scanners, stereo equipment, televisions and VCRs. Only Mercer County residents can utilize paper shredding service, and are limited to a maximum of eight boxes or bags. For further information, visit www.mcia-nj.com or call (609) 278-8086.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov Issued Proclamation Recognizing January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Womanspace, the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, offers support and services for survivors of human trafficking. The Mayoral Proclamation expressed the need "to raise awareness about the signs and consequences of human trafficking, to promote reporting mechanisms and opposition to human trafficking in all of its forms, and to encourage support for the survivors of human trafficking throughout the State of New Jersey and across the world." It further noted that, "human trafficking is a borderless crime against individuals that violates the most basic human rights and deprives victims of every shred of personal freedom, and that the United Nations' International Labour Organization has estimated that at least 12.3 million adults and children worldwide are currently in forced labor, bonded labor, or forced prostitution of whom approximately 80% are women and girls and 50% younger than age 18."
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov (left) issued a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month, joined by Regina Smith (right), Program Coordinator of Emergency Services for Womanspace. -
Township Recreation Department Offers Trip to Sahara Sams Indoor Water Park in West Berlin on Saturday, February 21. The bus will leave from the municipal building at 9 am and return at approximately 3:30 pm. The $25 fee includes transportation, entrance to the park, lunch and adult supervision for unaccompanied children. Children under 8 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is online at: https://register.communitypass.net/EastWindsor, on a first come first serve basis. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or email recreation@east-windsor.nj.us.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to "Helena Rubinstein: Beauty is Power" Exhibit on Wednesday, February 11 at The Jewish Museum in New York City. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 9 am and return at approximately 4:30 pm. The $24 fee includes transportation and entrance to the exhibit. Lunch is on your own. The exhibit, which also recreates her decorated salons, diverse private art collection, jewelry and fashions, explores how the Jewish Polish-born cosmetics magnate highlighted new and different standards of beauty, exhorting women to control their own images through makeup and grooming. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" on Sunday, February 15 at Kelsey Theater at Mercer Community College in West Windsor. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 1 pm and return at approximately 5 pm. The $23 fee includes transportation and admission. Set in a plantation home in the Mississippi Delta, Tennessee Williams Pulitzer Prize-winning classic examines the relationship among a Southern family in crisis. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Residents Are Encouraged to Register and Urge Other Residents to Register to Receive E-News Updates. E-News is used for alert communications in urgent situations, as well as sent generally weekly to provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants, special events and other subjects of public interest. To register for E-News, go to the Township website athttps://www.east-windsor.nj.us (look on bottom right). East Windsor officials seek to expand the database of resident users. PLEASE SEND THIS E-NEWS INFORMATION TO 10 OF YOUR EAST WINDSOR FRIENDS ENCOURAGING THEM TO SUBSCRIBE.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
February 6, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Kay Jewelers Opens in East Windsor Village on Princeton Hightstown Road on Friday, February 6. Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members will join with store representatives for a grand opening ribbon-cutting ceremony at 12 noon. The jewelry store will occupy 3,100 square feet (formerly Tom Yum Goong restaurant) between Target and GameStop. Kay Jewelers is a division of Sterling Jewelers Inc., headquartered in Akron, Ohio. Together with parent company Signet Jewelers, Kay Jewelers is the largest specialty retail jeweler in the world, with over 900 retail stores nationwide. Regional locations include Quaker Bridge Mall in Lawrence and Freehold Raceway Mall in Freehold.
Bob's Liquidation Store Has Opened on Route 130 North in Mackey's Plaza, Just North of Goodyear, Joining PakMail, SignIt and Country Florist & Gifts. The 2000 square foot store carries all new general merchandise which are close-out deals from larger retailers. A large share of the items are cell phone and similar electronics accessories. Current store hours are Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm, and closed Sunday.
East Windsor Mayor Mironov Proclaimed Boy Scouting Anniversary Week February 8 to 14 and recognized local boy scout troops Boy Scout Troop 59, Boy Scout Troop 5700, and Cub Scout Pack 53. The Mayoral Proclamation, noting that the Boy Scouts of America officially founded in 1910 and celebrating its 105th anniversary, stated they "have continued to set an excellent example for all through their volunteerism, commitment to others, and dedication to bettering themselves and their communities." The Proclamation "expressed appreciation and commended the outstanding work of the Boy Scout organization, their scout members, leaders and volunteers in our community."
Mayor Janice Mironov presented Proclamations for Boy Scouting Anniversary Week along with private checks of support to local boy scout troops. Pictured from (left to right) are: Cub Scout Pack 53 Cub Master Pete Kecskes; Boy Scout Troop 5700 Scoutmaster Greg Charache; East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov, and Boy Scout Troop 59 Scoutmaster Sandy Tootleman. -
East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration Began Monday, February 2 for Township Residents. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Registrations and program information are available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 214.
East Windsor Recreation Department is Accepting Applications for 2015 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See "Rhapsody in Black" on Friday, February 20 at Algonquin Arts Theatre in Manasquan, New Jersey. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 8:30 am and return at approximately 1 pm. The $11 fee includes transportation and admission. Written and performed by LeLand Gantt, Rhapsody in Black is a one man show that explores LeLand's personal journey to understand and eventually transcend racism in America. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
REMINDER: Mercer County Holds Electronics Recycling and Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, February 7 from 9 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the Sun National Bank Center - Lot 1, at 80 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton (intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Route 129). For further information, visit www.mcia-nj.com or call (609) 278-8086.
REMINDER: East Windsor Township Offers Several Resources for Information During Winter Weather Advisories and Storms. Residents are advised to check the Township website atwww.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, and check local access channel Comcast 27/Verizon 38, for information and updates.
Residents Are Encouraged to Register and Urge Other Residents to Register to Receive E-News Updates. E-News is used for alert communications in urgent situations, as well as sent generally weekly to provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants, special events and other subjects of public interest. To register for E-News, go to the Township website athttps://www.east-windsor.nj.us (look on bottom right). East Windsor officials seek to expand the database of resident users. PLEASE SEND THIS E-NEWS INFORMATION TO 10 OF YOUR EAST WINDSOR FRIENDS ENCOURAGING THEM TO SUBSCRIBE.
ALERT: This is a reminder that "East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 2", as currently constituted and operating, is expressly not authorized to be involved in the delivery of EMS services in the Township in any manner, directly or indirectly. Township ambulances and vehicles were relocated next door to the Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 building, and other rescue squad volunteers have been handling Township EMS calls since early December. East Windsor Township encourages support and volunteers for our responding rescue squad organizations. Anyone interested in joining and becoming a local rescue squad volunteer should contact Chief Scott Prykanowski at chief@squad142.com or at 609-448-6321, or Chief Tristan Torres at Torresusn2004@yahoo.com.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
February 13, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Kay Jewelers Opens in East Windsor Village on Princeton Hightstown Road. The jewelry store occupies 3,100 square feet (formerly Tom Yum Goong restaurant) between Target and GameStop. Kay Jewelers is a division of Sterling Jewelers Inc., headquartered in Akron, Ohio. Together with parent company Signet Jewelers, Kay Jewelers is the largest specialty retail jeweler in the world, with over 900 retail stores nationwide. Regional locations include Quaker Bridge Mall in Lawrence and Freehold Raceway Mall in Freehold.
Mayor Janice Mironov, joined by Council Members and store manager and employees, cuts ribbon for grand opening of Kay Jewelers in the East Windsor Village Shopping Center on Princeton Hightstown Road. Pictured (from left to right) are: Kyra Woodard, store employee; Council Member Perry Shapiro; Connie Woodhead, store assistant manager; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; James Dilks, store manager; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Council Member John Zoller, and Maria Berladir, store employee. -
Launching Year Two, Township Is Accepting Applicationsfrom Residents for Participation in the 2015 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, CLICK HERE or contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.
East Windsor Township 2014 Business Awards Presented to Primary Care Medical Clinic, Panera Bread and Novotec Pharma by Mayor Janice S. Mironov. The purpose of the annual award program is to recognize local businesses that have made special efforts to improve or contribute to the community.
Primary Care Medical Clinic received the "Business Beautification" award for renovation and modernization of the 4,900 square foot former Medical Emergency Treatment (M.E.T.) building located in a prominent area on Route 130 North. The new Primary Care Clinic, which consists of a group of primary care physicians who provide general primary care services, completed major exterior and interior renovations to the building including a totally new facade, landscaping, parking lot, office space, reception area and examination rooms.
Panera Bread, located on Route 130 South next to Chase Bank received the "Community Service" award. The 4,100 square foot restaurant participates in two community programs which are designed to feed the hungry. The first program involves donation boxes set up adjacent to the restaurant's cash registers, which go to Feeding America, a leading organization in fighting hunger throughout the country. The second program is a partnership with local community organization RISE, which picks up left over products from Panera Bread on a daily basis and distributes them throughout the area.
Novotec Pharma, located on Princeton Hightstown Road across from Route 133, in the nearly 43,000 square foot Patscentre building, designed by renowned British architect Sir Richard Rogers, received the "Community Enhancement" award. Novotec Pharma, a high-tech pharmaceutical company, refurbished the iconic Patscentre building while maintaining many of the original building's unique architectural and engineering features, including an exterior roof and frame construction and column free interior. They also invested in state-of-the-art equipment specifically designed for the Patscentre building. Novotec Pharma is the site of the Township's first Einstein's Alley High Tech Corridor Sign. Einstein's Alley is a private, non-profit economic development initiative whose purpose is to attract, build and retain technology-based businesses in Central New Jersey.
Mayor Janice Mironov presents East Windsor Township 2014 Business Awards. Pictured (from left to right) are: Abhshek Desai, Chief Financial Officer, Novotec Pharma; Patrick Patel, President, Novotec Pharma; Mayor Janice Mironov; Annabelle Cimafranca, Registered Nurse and Officer Manager, Primary Care Medical Clinic, and Council Member John Zoller, Liaison to Township Economic Development Committee. -
East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 Installed New Officers for 2015. James McCann will serve as Chief and Jack Israel will serve as President of East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 for 2015. Congratulations and thank you to all of the Township's dedicated volunteers!
East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 Chief James McCann (2d from left) and President Jack Israel and Officers sworn in by Mayor Janice Mironov. -
East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 Installed New Officers for 2015. Eric Coran will continue to serve as Chief and Ben Thornton will again serve as President of East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 for 2015. Congratulations and thank you to all of the Township's dedicated volunteers!
East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 Chief Eric Coran (left) and President Ben Thornton (2nd from right) and Officers sworn in by Mayor Janice Mironov. -
Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Monday, February 16 for the Presidents Day Holiday.
EAST WINDSOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ALERT: This is a reminder that "East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 2", as currently constituted and operating (under Jonathan Wassef, Amanda Brooks, and West Windsor residents Michael Foley and Brian Foley), is expressly notauthorized to be involved in the delivery of EMS services in the Township in any manner, directly or indirectly. Township ambulances and vehicles were relocated next door to the Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 building, and other rescue squad volunteers have been handling Township EMS calls since early December. East Windsor Township encourages support and volunteers for ourresponding rescue squad organizations. Anyone interested in joining and becoming a local rescue squad volunteer should contact Chief Scott Prykanowski at chief@squad142.com or at 609-448-6321, or Chief Tristan Torres at Torresusn2004@yahoo.com.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!
February 17, 2015
Due to winter storm conditions, the East Windsor Township Senior Center is closed today.
All other Municipal Offices REMAIN OPEN.
Township Curbside Garbage Collection Scheduled for Tuesday, February 17 will be completed Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning February 18.
Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, tune into Community Access TV Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
February 20, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Aurobindo Pharma USA Purchases 90 Acres and Plans to Develop Site for Major Pharmaceutical Warehouse and Distribution Center, on Windsor Center Drive, across from Route 133 and near the 43,000 square foot Patscentre building, now occupied by Novo Tech, another pharmaceutical company. The new facility would generate significant new tax dollars and at least 300 new jobs at the East Windsor location, when fully operational. Aurobindo Pharma USA is a generic pharmaceutical manufacturer and distributor and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aurobindo Pharma Limited, a leading generic pharmaceutical company based in India. The project is to expand Aurobindo's New Jersey footprint for manufacturing and warehousing and is complementary to the company's existing facilities. Headquartered in HITEC City, Hyderabad, India, Aurobindo's main manufacturing center is located in Dayton. The East Windsor location will be the company's main warehouse and distribution center and also will provide another site for manufacturing. Founded in 1986 and becoming a public company in 1992, Aurobindo has business operations in over 125 countries around the world.
Launching Year Two, Township Is Accepting Applicationsfrom Residents for Participation in the 2015 East Windsor Community Garden.The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information,CLICK HERE or contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.
East Windsor Clean Communities Committee 2014 Adopt-A-Spot Wrap-Up held to recognize and thank participants. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times a month from April 1 through November 1. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.Congratulations to the 2014 Adopt-A-Spot participants:Beth El Synagogue, Boy Scout Troop 59, Boy Scout Troop 5700, Brownie Troop 70215, Cub Scout Pack 53, Daisy Girl Scout Troop 72350, Girl Scout Troop 70342, Girl Scout Troop 70105, Girl Scout Troop 70773, Junior Girl Scout Troop 70687, East Windsor Police Athletic League, and the Casciano Family.
Boy Scout Troop 59. Pictured (from left to right) are: Jay Shumsky, Troop Membership Chairperson; Tyler Mutchnick; Michael Elgendy; Dayne Wolfe; Zach Hupfl; Kyle Johnson; Chirayu Gupta; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Sandy Tootleman, Scoutmaster; Tyler Shumsky; Aidan Sharpe; Joel Simon, and Joey Jakabicki.
Girl Scout Troop 70105. Pictured (from left to right) are: Jessica Meidhof; Kayley Totka; Jennifer DiGioia, Troop Leader; Vidhi Challani; Isabella Benitez; Isabella Sabogal; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Brooke Vagrin; Sophia Stylianou; Lily Puskar; Emily Hamnett; Lizzie DiGioia, and Sue Vagrin, Troop Co-Leader. -
Oath of Office Administered to New Police Officer Brendan Hirtes, who fills a police vacancy. Officer Hirtes, who has been assigned to the Uniform Services Division, graduated from the Atlantic County Police Academy in 2015 and obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice from Kean University in 2013. He was previously employed as a special police officer for the Deal Borough police department.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Officer Brendan Hirtes (center) accompanied by Chief of Police Harry Marshall (right). -
East Windsor Township and the NJ League of Municipalities Offer Scholarship Opportunity to Junior and Senior High School Students. Three $1,000 scholarships are being offered through the Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition. This statewide scholarship competition centers on the theme "What My Municipal Government Does Best" and seeks to advance the virtues of elected and volunteer members of the community, while raising awareness of municipal government in general. An appointed committee will select a semi-finalist and forward the semi-finalist's entry to the scholarship committee of the New Jersey League of Municipalities for their consideration. The State League Scholarship Committee will select 15 finalists and 3 winners from the State. A full application package can be obtained through the Office of Mayor Janice S. Mironov at the municipal building (16 Lanning Boulevard) or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 237. All entries should be returned to the East Windsor Mayor's Office by March 10.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See "Abbie's Irish Rose" on Friday, March 20 at Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in Hampton, New Jersey. The show is Anne Nichol's hilarious comedy classic, in which young Abraham Levy tries to fool his strict Jewish father by introducing his new bride, Rosemary Murphy, as "Rosie Murphy-ski." The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 9:30 am and return at approximately 4 pm. The fee is $15 for transportation plus $52 for the show and a sumptuous lunch and unlimited desert buffet. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
February 27, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Shiseido America Is Undertaking Further Expansion of East Windsor Facility on Princeton Hightstown Road. The company has received Township planning board approval to expand to 310,580 square feet by adding 45,000 square feet: 20,100 square foot research and development area; 14,000 square foot for offices, and 11,ooo for warehouse and accessory areas. The East Windsor facility, which currently employs approximately 150 full time employees and up to 150 temporary employees, will be adding almost 200 new fulltime employees and 150 new part-time positions, upon completion of the construction project. Shiseido is relocating the Monroe Township Davlyn Industries operations and employees to the East Windsor facility. Shiseido America is a subsidiary of the Japanese-based corporation Shiseido Company LTD, which is ranked the third largest cosmetics company in the world and develops upscale cosmetics, sun care products, fragrances and professional salon hair care products. Shiseido America established its operations in East Windsor in 1998 and serves as a manufacturing center for the company.
East Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students. The theme of the poster is to promote any or all of the "4 R's" of the Township Recycling Program Logo, which are: RECYCLE all items that can be recycled; REUSE other items rather than throw them out in the trash; REDUCE materials into homes that then have to be disposed of, and REBUY, that is buy goods that use recycled materials. Posters should be left by Monday, March 30 at the student's School Administrative Office or at the East Windsor Municipal Building Mayor's Office. Participants should be certain to provide on the back of each poster the student's name, address, phone number, grade level and school attended. Contest winners will be notified and awards, including a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble donated by Shiseido, will be made by Mayor Janice Mironov at an Earth Day ceremony at the April 21 Council meeting at 7:30 pm. Winning posters will be displayed in the municipal building lobby during the month of May.
Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents During March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this proactive safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
East Windsor Township kicks off Gun Safety Program as police officers demonstrate use of gun locks. Pictured (from left to right) are: Police Officer Robert Davison; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Chief Harry Marshall, and Police Lieutenant Christopher Jackson. -
East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2015 Township Adopt-A-Spot. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times per month from April 1 through November 30. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.
Congratulations to 2014 Adopt-A-Spot Participant Cub Scout Pack 53. Pictured (from left to right) are: (back row) Stacy Johnson, Den Leader; Justin Kecskes; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Justin Koshy; Cristi Palmer, Den Leader; Pete Simon, Den Leader; (front row) JD Simon; Krish Patel; Cameron Johnson; Jonathan Kecskes; Jason Shumsky, and Austin Koshy.
Congratulations to 2014 Adopt-A-Spot Participant Brownie Troop 70215. Pictured (from left to right) are: (back row) Maxine Brown, Group Leader; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Kathy Frascella, Group Leader; (front row) Kate Mrvica; Kelsey Kelly; Isabella Stylianou; Caroline Flannery; Rachna Asharya; Kristen Rodrigues; Molly Frascella, and Kohana Brown. -
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See "St. Patrick's Fest from Ireland to America" on Friday, March 13 at Doolan's Shore Club in Spring Lake, New Jersey. The traditional show stars Irish Tenor Mike Byrne singing Irish hits and the famous Green Derby Show Band, including a comedian and a bagpiper. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 10:30 am and return at approximately 4:30 pm. The fee is 50 cents for transportation plus $45.50 for the show and lunch. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Accepting Applications from Residents forParticipation in the 2015 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, CLICK HERE or contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!
March 1, 2015
Due to the anticipated winter storm conditions:
The East Windsor Township Senior Center will have a 90 Minute Delayed Opening on Monday, March 2.
All other Township Municipal Offices will OPEN at regular times.
Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, tune into Community Access TV Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!
March 2, 2015
Due to the anticipated winter storm conditions:
The East Windsor Township Senior Center is closed today.
All other Township Municipal Offices will OPEN at regular times.
Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, tune into Community Access TV Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!
March 4, 2015
No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur onThursday, March 5 Due to Anticipated Winter Storm. Garbage Collection for Area #1 residents, normally on Thursday, March 5, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Monday, March 9.
Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, tune into Community Access TV Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!
March 5, 2015
Due to the anticipated winter storm conditions:
The East Windsor Township Senior Center is closed today.
All other Township Municipal Offices will OPEN at regular times.
No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur todayThursday, March 5. Garbage Collection for Area #1 residents, normally on Thursday, March 5, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Monday, March 9.
Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, tune into Community Access TV Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Alert!
March 6, 2015
Due to the current road conditions:
The East Windsor Township Senior Center will have a 90 Minute Delayed Opening and will open at 10:30 am.
Today’s trip to the Sand’s Casino, scheduled to depart from the East Windsor Township Senior Center, is CANCELLED and will be rescheduled for another date. Please contact the Senior Center with any questions regarding this trip at (609) 371-7192.
All other East Windsor Township Offices remain OPEN.
Residents are advised to check the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us, read E-News Alerts, tune into Community Access TV Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38, or call the municipal information hotline at (609) 443-4000, ext. 400, for schedule updates.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
March 6, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nomination forms, due by Monday, April 13, are available at the municipal building, on-line at the Township website (CLICK HERE) or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at 443-4000, ext. 238.
East Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students for Earth Day. The theme of the poster is to promote any or all of the "4 R's" of the Township Recycling Program Logo, which are: RECYCLE all items that can be recycled;REUSE other items rather than throw them out in the trash; REDUCEmaterials into homes that then have to be disposed of, and REBUY, that is buy goods that use recycled materials. Posters should be left by Monday, March 30 at the student's School Administrative Office or at the East Windsor Municipal Building Mayor's Office. Participants should be certain to provide on the back of each poster the student's name, address, phone number, grade level and school attended. Contest winners will be notified and awards, including a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble donated by Shiseido, will be made by Mayor Janice Mironov at an Earth Day ceremony at the April 21 Council meeting at 7:30 pm. Winning posters will be displayed in the municipal building lobby during the month of May.
Township Is Accepting Applications from Residents for Participation in East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. In addition to the individual plots, a philanthropic garden is maintained by the East Windsor Green Team and other volunteers, for the purpose of sharing the garden's produce with local needy families. To obtain an application or further information, contact the Clerk's Office at 443-4000, ext. 238.
East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2015 Township Adopt-A-Spot. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times per month from April 1 through November 30. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.
Congratulations to 2014 Adopt-A-Spot Participant Daisy Troop 72350. Pictured are (from left to right): (back row) Melissa Florke, Group Leader; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Christina Whittington, Group Leader; (front row), left to right: Cameron Kenny; Phoebe O'Connell; Rachel Shumsky; Penelope Borg; Juliette Rosario; and Shelby Field.
Congratulations to 2014 Adopt-A-Spot Participant Junior Girl Scout Troop 70687. Pictured are (from left to right): (back row) Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Denise Badik, Troop Leader; (front row) Analisa Borg; Piper Kubicki; Veda Dadi, and Morgan Badik.
Congratulations to 2014 Adopt-A-Spot Participant Boy Scout Troop 5700. Pictured are (from left to right): Joseph Kecskes; Lance Lienhard; Greg Charache, Group Leader; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Hunter Grimm; Kevin Grimm, Group Leader, and Christian Charache. -
Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents During March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this proactive safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
Annual East Windsor Egg Hunt Is Scheduled for Saturday, March 28 at 9 am at Etra Lake Park (rain date Sunday, March 29 at 1:30 pm). The egg hunt is for children in pre-school through Grade 5. This annual event features lots of candy, prizes and fun! There is no fee or registration, but each child should bring a basket or bag. To avoid a last minute traffic jam at the park entrance, plan to arrive early. If inclement weather, call 443-4000, ext. 400 for information.
Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, March 21, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcia-nj.com or call (609) 278-8086.
Township Recreation Department Offers NHL Street Hockey Program and Free One Day Hockey Clinic. The free hockey clinic is Saturday, March 14 from 3 to 5 pm, at Etra Lake Park as an introduction to the 8 week hockey program. Colin White, NHL New Jersey Devils team alumni, will be attending the clinic (from 4 - 5 pm) for signatures and photo opportunities. The eight week hockey program is open to children in grades 1 through 8, and meets each Saturday at Etra Lake Park commencing March 28. For more information and to register, visit Township website at (CLICK HERE) or call (609) 443-4000, ext. 214.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
March 13, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Township Awards Contract for Hickory Corner Road, Between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive, Improvements and Work to Commence in Late Spring 2015. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members had previously applied and were awarded a $250,000 New Jersey Department of Transportation grant for Hickory Corner Road. The roadway improvements will include milling and resurfacing, as well as repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicapped ramps. In October 2014, the Mayor and Council had rejected all bids as substantially above budget and re-bid the project resulting in this low bid from Richard T. Barrett Paving Company of Trenton, NJ, which is $85,000 less than the rejected October 2014 low bid.
Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup onSaturday, April 11, from 9 am to 11 am, at Etra Lake Park, rain or shine. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, t-shirts and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association website atwww.thewatershed.org or contact Michael at mpisauro@ thewatershed.org or (609) 737-3735.
Township Recreation Department Sponsors Open House onSaturday, March 21 at East Windsor Senior Center to Introduce Residents to the Many Local Recreation Programs.Residents can stop by between 6 pm and 8 pm to obtain information on Township summer camps, after school activities, and the Township Senior Center programs, as well as Bricks 4 Kidz, Firefly Tennis, KidzArt, Kung Fu, Mad Science, That Pottery Place, NHL Street Hockey, TGA Golf, US Sport Institute and more. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.
East Windsor Township Mayor Janice Mironov ProclaimedRead Across America Day, celebrated on what would have been the 111th birthday of Theodore Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. The Mayoral Proclamation states, "the citizens of East Windsor Township stand firmly committed to promoting reading as the catalyst for our students' future academic success, their preparation for America's jobs of the future, and their ability to compete in a global economy." The Proclamation continues that East Windsor "recommits our community to engage in programs and activities to make America's children the best readers in the world." Mayor Mironov joined McKnight School librarian Darwin Page, participating In Read Across America by reading Dr. Seuss books to kindergarten and first grade students in the library of the Ethel McKnight School in East Windsor Township.
Mayor Janice Mironov reads Dr. Seuss' Horton Hatches the Egg, to a kindergarten class at the Ethel McKnight School in celebration of Read Across America Day. Standing in the back is McKnight School librarian Darwin Page. -
East Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students for Earth Day. The theme of the poster is to promote any or all of the "4 R's" of the Township Recycling Program Logo, which are: RECYCLE all items that can be recycled;REUSE other items rather than throw them out in the trash; REDUCEmaterials into homes that then have to be disposed of, and REBUY, that is buy goods that use recycled materials. Posters should be left by Monday, March 30 at the student's School Administrative Office or at the East Windsor Municipal Building Mayor's Office. Participants should be certain to provide on the back of each poster the student's name, address, phone number, grade level and school attended. Contest winners will be notified and awards, including a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble donated by Shiseido, will be made by Mayor Janice Mironov at an Earth Day ceremony at the April 21 Council meeting. Winning posters will be displayed in the municipal building lobby during the month of May.
East Windsor Encourages Community Groups to Participate in 2015 Township Adopt-A-Spot. Under this program, participating groups "adopt" a public property and keep it clean during the year. A placard is erected on the site indicating that it has been "adopted by" with the name of the group. The groups are expected to perform clean-up 3 times per month from April 1 through November 30. To participate, interested groups should send a letter to East Windsor Clean Communities Committee, ATTN: Mayor Janice S. Mironov, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, NJ 08520.
Congratulations to 2014 Adopt-A-Spot Participant Daisy Troop 70773. Pictured are (from left to right): Hannah Sargent; Cara Horning; Heather Sargent, Troop Leader; Isabella Fowler; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Jordan Megee; Alison Megee, Troop Leader; Jackie Eldridge, and Samantha Megee.
Congratulations to 2014 Adopt-A-Spot Participant Beth El Synagogue. Pictured are (from left to right): Samara Genek; Andrea Genek, Group Leader; Dina Genek; Melissa Hemel; Traci Hemel; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Daniel Genek, and Becky Genek.
Congratulations to 2014 Adopt-A-Spot Participant Girl Scout Troop 70342. Pictured are (from left to right): Alyssa Koshi; Megan Bertrand; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Nicole Masone, and Rachael Masone. -
Township Accepting Applications from Residents forParticipation in the 2015 East Windsor Community Garden. The Community Garden is located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, adjacent to the Disbrow Hill playing fields and across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, CLICK HERE or contact the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.
Annual East Windsor Egg Hunt Is Scheduled for Saturday, March 28 at 9 am at Etra Lake Park (rain date Sunday, March 29 at 1:30 pm). The egg hunt is for children in pre-school through Grade 5. This annual event features lots of candy, prizes and fun! There is no fee or registration, but each child should bring a basket or bag. To avoid a last minute traffic jam at the park entrance, plan to arrive early. If inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information.
East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nomination forms, due by Monday, April 13, are available at the municipal building, on-line at the Township website CLICK HERE or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, March 21, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at http://www.mcia-nj.com/ or call (609) 278-8086.
Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents During March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this proactive safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
CALENDAR: East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day on Saturday, April 25 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
March 20, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
NO TAX INCREASE in 2015 Municipal Budget Introduced by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members on March 17, for second year in a row. The municipal component of the local property tax bill remains at the same 2013 and 2014 rate of $0.431 (43.1 cents) per $100 of assessed valuation. This means that for the 2015 average residence assessment of $$258,341, the 2015 municipal tax is $1115. The East Windsor municipal component remains at less than 15% of the total local property tax bill, and is among the lowest amounts in the entire region and well below the statewide average. The 2015 municipal tax levy is well below the available state cap levy amounts. The fiscally conservative budget document retains all existing services and no employee reductions. The NO TAX INCREASEmunicipal budget is a result of the Township's commitment to continually seek out additional efficiencies, cooperative purchasing avenues and service sharing opportunities, a low debt level, and pro-active efforts to carefully plan and to closely monitor expenditures and revenues throughout the year.
Annual East Windsor Egg Hunt Is Scheduled for Saturday, March 28 at 9 am at Etra Lake Park (rain date Sunday, March 29 at 1:30 pm). The egg hunt is for children in pre-school through Grade 5. This annual event features lots of candy, prizes and fun! There is no fee or registration, but each child should bring a basket or bag. To avoid a last minute traffic jam at the park entrance, plan to arrive early. If inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information.
Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup onSaturday, April 11, from 9 am to 11 am at Etra Lake Park, rain or shine. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, t-shirts and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association website atwww.thewatershed.org or contact Michael at mpisauro @thewatershed.org or (609) 737-3735.
Scotto's Pizza and Restaurant in Twin Rivers Shopping Center Holds Grand Reopening of Renovated Dining Room.Scotto's, a Twin Rivers legend for decades, is known for pizzas, pasta, subs, calzones, wraps, sandwiches, soups and a variety of entrees. The restaurant offers dine-in, take-out, delivery and catering, and can accommodate up to 60 people for special events. Current hours of operation are Sunday through Thursday 10 am to 10 pm, and Friday and Saturday 10 am to 11 pm. For further information, visitwww.scottospizzaristorante.com or call (609) 443-6410.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, joined by owners Gennaro Bavarella, Concetta Bavarella and Antonio Martino and Council Members Hector Duke, Perry Shapiro and Peter Yeager, cuts ribbon for grand reopening of renovated dining room of Scotto's Pizza & Ristorante. -
East Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students for Earth Day. The theme of the poster is to promote any or all of the "4 R's" of the Township Recycling Program Logo, which are: RECYCLE all items that can be recycled;REUSE other items rather than throw them out in the trash; REDUCEmaterials into homes that then have to be disposed of, and REBUY, that is buy goods that use recycled materials. Posters should be left by Monday, March 30 at the student's School Administrative Office or at the East Windsor Municipal Building Mayor's Office. Participants should be certain to provide on the back of each poster the student's name, address, phone number, grade level and school attended. Contest winners will be notified and awards, including a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble donated by Shiseido, will be made by Mayor Janice Mironov at an Earth Day ceremony at the April 21 Council meeting. Winning posters will be displayed in the municipal building lobby during the month of May.
Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents During March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The Township is sponsoring this proactive safety initiative to promote improved gun safety, as these gun locks if properly used can help keep guns out of the hands of children and prevent accidental deaths and injuries in the home. The gun locks are available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, a national firearms safety program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Free gun safety locks can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nomination forms, due by Monday, April 13, are available at the municipal building, on-line at the Township website CLICK HERE or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
REMINDER: Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, March 21, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. For further information, visit the MCIA website athttp://www.mcia-nj.com/ or call (609) 278-8086.
REMINDER: Township Recreation Department SponsorsOpen House on Saturday, March 21 at East Windsor Senior Center to Introduce Residents to the Many Local Recreation Programs. Residents can stop by between 6 pm and 8 pm to obtain information on Township summer camps, after school activities, and the Township Senior Center programs, as well as Bricks 4 Kidz, Firefly Tennis, KidzArt, Kung Fu, Mad Science, That Pottery Place, NHL Street Hockey, TGA Golf, US Sport Institute and more. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225.
LAST CALL: For Applications for Participation in East Windsor Community Garden, located on the Disbrow Hill Road open space property, across from Etra Lake Park. The Community Garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables. To obtain an application or further information, contact the Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to "The Barnes Foundation" Art Collection in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania onFriday, April 24. The visit includes access to a special exhibit -Cezanne Uncovered: Two Sketches Revealed through Conservation, and a one hour private tour. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 10:00 am and return at approximately 5:00 pm. The cost is $55.00 plus lunch. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See the New York City Spring Spectacular "Heart & Lights" Starring the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall on Thursday, April 30. The program is a song and dance spectacular celebrating the Big Apple, with the Rockettes led by Laura Benanti, who won a Tony for her role in the 2008 revival of Gypsy. The trip includes reserved seating (first mezzanine, row G, middle section) and a visit to Times Square with time for shopping and lunch. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 9:00 am and return at approximately 4:30 pm. The cost is $70.00 plus lunch. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
March 27, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: Annual East Windsor Egg Hunt Is Scheduled forSaturday, March 28 at 9 am at Etra Lake Park (rain date Sunday, March 29 at 1:30 pm) for children in pre-school through Grade 5. If inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed March Women's History Month, joined by Senator Linda Greenstein, Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello and Mercer County Surrogate Diane Gerofsky. The Proclamation states, "the contributions made by women to our civic, political and cultural life throughout the history of the United States, the State of New Jersey and the Township of East Windsor are noteworthy and have benefited all of us."
Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued a proclamation recognizing Women's History Month, joined by Mercer County officials. Pictured (from left to right) are: State Senator Linda Greenstein; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Mercer County Surrogate Diane Gerofsky, and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello. -
East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Windsor. Nomination forms, due by Monday, April 13, are available at the municipal building, on-line at the Township website [CLICK HERE] or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup onSaturday, April 11, from 9 am to 11 am, at Etra Lake Park, rain or shine. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, t-shirts and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association website atwww.thewatershed.org or contact Michael at mpisauro @thewatershed.org or (609) 737-3735.
REMINDER: East Windsor Sponsors Recycling Poster Contest for Local Elementary School Students to promote the "4 R's" of the Township Recycling Program Logo: RECYCLE - REUSE - REDUCE - REBUY. Posters should be left by Monday, March 30 at the student's School Administrative Office or at the East Windsor Municipal Building Mayor's Office. Participants should be certain to provide on the back of each poster the student's name, address, phone number, grade level and school attended.
Last Call: Free Gun Safety Locks Are Available to Township Residents During March as part of a Township Sponsored Gun Safety Program. The gun locks, available to East Windsor at no cost through Project Child Safe, can be obtained at the Township police building by contacting Detective Brian Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 236.
CALENDAR: Mayor Janice S. Mironov Will Present State of the Township Address at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, Wednesday, May 6 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). For information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
April 3, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALDI Announces Plans to Re-Open Former Bottom Dollar Food Grocery Store in Township Windsor Center, at southwest corner of Route 130 and Princeton Hightstown Road. ALDI announced that on March 27, it completed the purchase of all 66 Delhaize Group Bottom Dollar Food operations, and will be opening ALDI stores at 30 of these locations including East Windsor Township. The remaining 36 sites will be put on the market. ALDI has advised that the East Windsor store is planned to open over the summer, no later than September 15. ALDI, a leader in the grocery retailing industry, operates nearly 1,400 U.S. stores in 32 states primarily from Kansas to the East Coast. For more information about ALDI, visit www.aldi.us.
East Windsor Township Was Awarded $300,000 New Jersey Department of Transportation Grant for Roadway Improvements to Dorchester Drive. The funding, successfully obtained by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, will be used for milling and resurfacing, as well as repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicapped ramps. The construction work is expected to be performed during late summer/early fall.
East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day onSaturday, April 25 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup onSaturday, April 11, from 9 am to 11 am, at Etra Lake Park, rain or shine. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible. Adults must accompany minors. Supplies, t-shirts and refreshments will be provided. For additional information or to register, visit the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association website atwww.thewatershed.org or contact Michael at mpisauro @thewatershed.org or (609) 737-3735.
Township and Mercer County Will Hold Special Passport Day on Wednesday, April 29 from 3 pm to 7 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents can just show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6465 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $110 for adults, and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609)-989-6473.
Township Recreation Department Offers Spring Trips.Community trips include: NY Red Bulls vs. LA Galaxy Soccer Game onSunday, April 26 at 5 pm at Red Bull Arena in Harrison, New Jersey, and NY Liberty vs. Atlanta Dream Basketball Game on Friday, June 5at 7:30 pm at Madison Square Garden in New York City. For more information and to register, visit Township website or (CLICK HERE) or call (609) 443-4000, ext. 214.
East Windsor Recreation Department Accepting Summer Camp Registrations. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Registration forms and program information are available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 214.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov to Present State of the TownshipAddress at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon onWednesday, May 6 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). Mayor Mironov's annual State of the Township Address will include a report on accomplishments in 2014 as well as 2015 goals. Networking begins at 11:30 am, followed by lunch at noon, and program beginning promptly at 12:45 pm. All business and interested members of the community are invited to attend. The cost of this luncheon is $35 per member paying in advance, $40 at the door, and $55 for non-members. For further information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
April 10, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Will Hold "Operation Medicine Cabinet" onSaturday, April 25 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired non-liquidated prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road), for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office on the next business day for final disposal. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.
East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day onSaturday, April 25 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
East Windsor Proclaimed National Library Week April 12 to 18 with the Theme "Unlimited Possibilities @ Your Library"and recognized the East Windsor branches, Hickory Corner and Twin Rivers, of the Mercer County Library system. Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented the Proclamation, along with Barnes and Noble gift certificates donated by Shiseido America, to representatives of the two libraries. The two libraries were recognized as key centers within our communities, which provide valuable access to many diverse resources and serve as a center for community group meetings.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed National Library Week April 12-18, 2015. Pictured (from left to right) are: Phyllis Anker, East Windsor Representative to Mercer County Library Commission; Jeanne Murray, Branch Manager, Twin Rivers Library; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Sharon Galbraith Ryer, Branch Manager, Hickory Corner Library; and Debbie Scherholz, Friends of Hickory Corner Library. -
East Windsor Proclaimed April "Alcohol Awareness Month"and Recognized East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee. A Mayoral Proclamation and a $1,000 check from the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse grant were presented to East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee Co-Chairpersons Lisa Ernst and Michele Charache. Mayor Mironov praised members of the After Prom Committee for their excellent efforts in providing a safe and substance free environment for the young people in our community on their special prom night.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims Alcohol Awareness Month and recognizes East Windsor Regional School District Hightstown High School After Prom Committee. Pictured (from left to right) are: After Prom Committee Co-Chairpersons Michele Charache and Lisa Ernst; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Council Member Peter Yeager, Coordinator, East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. -
Township and Mercer County Will Hold Special Passport Day on Wednesday, April 29 from 3 pm to 7 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents can just show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6465 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $110 for adults, and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609)-989-6473.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov to Present State of the Township Address at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon onWednesday, May 6 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). Mayor Mironov's annual State of the Township Address will include a report on accomplishments in 2014 as well as 2015 goals. Networking begins at 11:30 am, followed by lunch at noon, and program beginning promptly at 12:45 pm. All business and interested members of the community are invited to attend. The cost of this luncheon is $35 per member paying in advance, $40 at the door, and $55 for non-members. For further information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.
Oath of Office Administered to New Police Officer David Kurinsky, who fills a police vacancy. Officer Kurinsky, who has been assigned to the Uniform Services Division, graduated from the Atlantic County Police Academy in February 2015 and obtained an Associates of Science Degree in Business from Ocean County Community College in 2013. He was previously employed as a communications officer with the Ocean Township police department.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administered the oath of office to new Officer David Kurinsky (center) joined by Chief of Police Harry Marshall (right). -
East Windsor Promotes Township Memorial Tree Programfor Arbor Day. Residents and groups are encouraged to honor Arbor Day, celebrated on Friday, April 25, by planting a tree in the Township Memorial Tree Grove, housed on the municipal building grounds. The Memorial Tree Program offers residents a unique opportunity to provide a living memorial to a deceased relative or friend or in remembrance or commemoration of a special person, group or event. The tree, including tree planting and accompanying granite marker with the name of the deceased person or event to be remembered, can be ordered through the Public Works Department. Brochures describing the program and costs with an order form are available on-line [CLICK HERE], at the Township Municipal Building or by calling (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaimed April 15, 2015 a Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, Known Internationally as Yom HaShoah. Locally, a Yom HaShoahremembrance will be held on Wednesday, April 15 at 7 pm at Beth El Synagogue (50 Maple Stream Road), with guest speaker Sol Lurie, a concentration camp survivor, and various readings, the Beth El choir, and a candle lighting ceremony by family members of Holocaust survivors. The Mayoral Proclamation recognizes Yom HaShoah, "in memory of the victims, survivors and their liberators, and in furtherance of the hopes that we, as a Township and as individual citizens, will strive to overcome prejudice, hatred and indifference through education, tolerance, vigilance and remembrance."
REMINDER: Join in the Co-Sponsored East Windsor Township/Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup on Saturday, April 11, from 9 am to 11 am, at Etra Lake Park, rain or shine. Volunteers should wear boots and long sleeves and bring work gloves, if possible.
LAST CALL: East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for theSylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer. The annual award is to recognize a Township senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public. Nomination forms are available at the municipal building, on-line at the Township website [CLICK HERE] or by calling the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
April 17, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Will Hold "Operation Medicine Cabinet" onSaturday, April 25 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired non-liquidated prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building (80 One Mile Road), for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office on the next business day for final disposal. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.
East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day onSaturday, April 25 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
East Windsor Participated in Annual Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup on Saturday, April 11. Forty-Three volunteers participated and 656 pounds of trash were collected at Etra Lake Park. The Watershed Association works with residents, municipal, county, and state leaders, and local groups on a wide variety of initiatives and actions to plan smart, grow community and preserve and protect our natural resources.
Local volunteers including local officials, scouts and area residents gathered to participate in the annual Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup at Etra Lake Park on April 11. Pictured are volunteers, Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Policy Director Michael Pisauro (left) and Mayor Janice S. Mironov (center).
Local officials participated in the annual Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association Stream Cleanup at Etra Lake Park on April 11. Pictured (from left to right) are: Gary Fournier, Clean Communities Vice-Chairperson and Green Team Member; Edward Kelly, Planning Board Chairperson, Environmental Commission and Green Team Member; Mayor Janice S. Mironov, and Council Member Alan Rosenberg. -
Township and Mercer County Will Hold Special Passport Day on Wednesday, April 29 from 3 pm to 7 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents can just show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6465 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $110 for adults, and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609)-989-6473.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov to Present State of the TownshipAddress at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon onWednesday, May 6 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). Mayor Mironov's annual State of the Township Address will include a report on accomplishments in 2014 as well as 2015 goals. Networking begins at 11:30 am, followed by lunch at noon, and program beginning promptly at 12:45 pm. All business and interested members of the community are invited to attend. The cost of this luncheon is $35 per member paying in advance, $40 at the door, and $55 for non-members. For further information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov Recognized East Windsor Senior Center Volunteers, presenting Certificates of Appreciation to them for their valuable contributions to the operations of the Center. The Senior Center volunteers assist with coordinating and operating senior programs and events and participate in various community programs organized by the Senior Center.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented Certificates of Appreciation to East Windsor Senior Center volunteers. -
Arbor Day Foundation Names East Windsor a Tree City USA® Community for 2015 for its commitment to community forestry. East Windsor, for the 15th year, has earned this national designation by meeting the four standards set by the Arbor Day Foundation: having a tree board or department, a tree-care ordinance, a comprehensive community forestry program, and an Arbor Day observance. The program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters and the USDA Forest Service.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania on Tuesday, May 19. Longwood Gardens is one of the world's premier horticultural display gardens. The guided tour explores the highlights of Longwood's diverse gardens, while learning about their history, as well as plans for their future. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 7:45 am and return at approximately 4:30 pm. The cost is $30.00 plus lunch. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See Opera Tenor Michael Amante at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, New Jersey on Wednesday, May 27. Michael Amante, affectionately known as the "People's Tenor," has been crowned the "Prince of High C's" for his remarkable ability to hit and sustain with ease, one of the highest notes of a tenor's voice. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 12 noon and return at approximately 4:30 pm. Admission is free plus 50 cents for transportation. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See "Company", a Musical Comedy, at Bucks County Playhouse in New Hope, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, May 30. "Company" evokes the excitement of Manhattan, where eligible bachelor, Robert, is surrounded by five married couples and three single women. It's Robert's 35th birthday, and his friends want him to settle down. Historic New Hope is home to many shops, restaurants galleries, and studios. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 9:30 am and return at approximately 5:00 pm. The cost is $28.00 admission plus 50 cents for transportation plus lunch on your own. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
April 24, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
NO TAX INCREASE 2015 Municipal Budget Adopted by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members on April 21, for second year in a row. The municipal component of the local property tax bill remains the same for 2015, 2014 and 2013 at $0.4316 (43.16 cents) per $100 of assessed valuation. This means that for the 2015 average residence assessment of $258,341, the 2015 municipal tax is $1115. The East Windsor municipal component remains at less than 15% of the total local property tax bill, and is among the lowest amounts in the entire region and well below the statewide average. The 2015 municipal tax levy is well below the available state cap levy amounts. The fiscally conservative budget document retains all existing services and no employee reductions. The NO TAX INCREASE municipal budget is a result of the Township's commitment to continually seek out additional efficiencies, cooperative purchasing avenues and service sharing opportunities, a low debt level, and pro-active efforts to carefully plan and to closely monitor expenditures and revenues throughout the year.
REMINDER: East Windsor Holds Recycling Day on Saturday, April 25 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. Free Document Shredding and other drop-off recycling (electronics, computers, televisions, cell phones, fluorescent bulbs, toner cartridges and shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances and housewares) is offered to residents.
REMINDER: East Windsor Holds "Operation Medicine Cabinet" on Saturday, April 25 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the Police/Court building, 80 One Mile Road, for the collection of these various medications.
Tree Lighting Ceremony in Recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), with the theme "Choose Respect," was hosted by local officials and police and Womanspace representative, program coordinator Alison Daks. The tree, which sits along One Mile Road outside the East Windsor Police/Court Building, was decorated with teal lights to symbolize the community's commitment to sexual assault awareness, deterrence and prevention. Womanspace is the primary Mercer County based organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault.
East Windsor Township, in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), hosted a tree lighting ceremony with Womanspace. Pictured (from left to right) are: Lieutenant James Geary; Lieutenant Chris Jackson; Detective Joseph Gorski; Lieutenant Richard Bernstein; Chief of Police Harry Marshall; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Alison Daks, Coordinator of Sexual Assault Support Services for Womanspace; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Township Manager James Brady, and Council Member John Zoller. -
East Windsor Officials Sponsor Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program "Use Your Head" to kick off "Bicycle Safety Month" - May. Residents age 5 through 16 can receive, a bicycle helmet at no cost at the sessions being held on Wednesdays, May 13, May 20 and May 27, from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
Elementary School Winners of the Township Earth Day Recycling Poster Contest Were Recognized by Mayor Janice S. Mironov at Council meeting for Earth Day. The poster contest theme was to promote the 4 R's of the Township Recycling Program: "Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Rebuy." Winners received Mayoral Certificates of Recognition and gift certificates to Barnes and Noble, donated by corporate sponsor Shiseido America. All of the posters will be on display in the East Windsor Municipal Building through May. The Grace N. Rogers School students were awarded the Earth Day Proclamation for the most participating students. Congratulations to all the participating students and to all of the winners!
1st Place - Amber Rose Azcona (Grace N. Rogers School); 2nd Place- Charlie Anderson (Perry L. Drew School) and Rachna Acharya(Perry L. Drew School); 3rd Place - Mahek Nayak (Grace N. Rogers School) and Jak Bryant (Grace N. Rogers School); Honorable Mention- Caitlyn Nagle (Grace N. Rogers School).
1st Place - Jamesroy Mac (Ethel McKnight School) and Meredith Hoeflinger (Grace N. Rogers School); 2nd Place - George Dougherty(Walter C. Black School) and Rowena Kannaiyan (Perry L. Drew School); 3rd Place - Gia Tejera (Grace N. Rogers School) and Nistha Sheth (Perry L. Drew School); Honorable Mention - Sudeepta Murthy (Perry L. Drew School), Esma Klobucista (Perry L. Drew School), and Davyn Timbang (Grace N. Rogers School).
Mayor Mironov recognized the Grades K-2 student winners of the East Windsor Earth Day Recycling Poster Contest. Pictured (from left to right) are: Amber Rose Azcona; Caitlyn Nagle; Mahek Nayak; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Clean Communities Chairperson John Donnelly; Charlie Anderson; Rachna Acharya; and Jak Bryant.
Mayor Mironov recognized the Grades 3-5 student winners of the East Windsor Earth Day Recycling Poster Contest. Pictured (from left to right) are: Clean Communities Chairperson John Donnelly; Gia Tejera; Rowena Kannaiyan; Meredith Hoeflinger; Jamesroy Mac; Golda Mac; Nistha Sheth; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Davyn Timbang; Sudeepta Murthy; George Dougherty; and Esma Klobucista.
Mayor Mironov awarded Grace N. Rogers students the Earth Day Proclamation for the most participating students. Pictured (front row) are: Jak Bryant; Mahek Nayak; Meredith Hoeflinger; Amber Rose Azcona; and Dayvn Timbang; (back row) are: Caitlyn Nagle; Gia Tejera and Mayor Janice S. Mironov. -
East Windsor's Community Garden Opens for Year 2, adjacent to the new Disbrow Hill Playing Fields and across from Etra Lake Park,on Saturday, April 18, attended by Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Deputy Mayor Marc Lippman and Council Members Hector Duke and Perry Shapiro, and Health Advisory Board Chairperson Andrew Greene and Members along with community garden participants. The community garden provides residents with the opportunity to rent a plot of land to plant their own fruits and vegetables and is part of the Township's ongoing sustainable community efforts. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
East Windsor Township officials and participants kick off 2015 Community Garden. -
Township and Mercer County Hold Special Passport Day onWednesday, April 29 from 3 pm to 7 pm at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day locally at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States passport applications on-site for residents. Residents can just show up, but are encouraged to call (609) 989-6465 to reserve a specific appointment time. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate, a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. Cost of the passport is $110 for adults, and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25. Passport photos can be taken on-site if needed for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
May 1, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Officials Sponsor Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program "Use Your Head" to kick off "Bicycle Safety Month" - May. Residents age 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet, at no cost, at the sessions being held on Wednesdays, May 13, May 20 and May 27, from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
Township Environmental Commission Promotes Arbor Day with Free Distribution of Tree Seedlings on Saturday, May 9(rain date Saturday, May 16) beginning at 10 am to 12 pm or until supplies run out. The Norway Spruce seedlings will be available on a first-come first-serve basis at the East Windsor Police Athletic League fields on Airport Road.
East Windsor "Operation Medicine Cabinet" on Saturday, April 25 Collected 125 Pounds of unused and expired prescription medications, which were turned over to the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.
REMINDER: Mayor Janice S. Mironov to Present State of the Township Address at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce Luncheon on Wednesday, May 6 at the East Windsor Holiday Inn (399 Monmouth Street). Mayor Mironov's annual State of the Township Address will include a report on accomplishments in 2014 as well as 2015 goals. For further information or to register, visitwww.midjerseychamber.org, or call the Chamber Office at (609) 689-9960, ext. 14.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
May 8, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Hickory Corner Road between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive Road Work Will Commence on or aboutMonday, May 11, weather permitting. The work, performed by low bidder Robert Barret Paving, will commence with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Work hours will be Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
East Windsor Officials Sponsor Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program "Use Your Head" to kick off "Bicycle Safety Month" - May. Residents age 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet, at no cost, at the sessions being held on Wednesdays, May 13, May 20 and May 27, from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. after viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
Township Environmental Commission Promotes Arbor Day with Free Distribution of Tree Seedlings on Saturday, May 9(rain date Saturday, May 16) beginning at 10 am to 12 pm or until supplies run out. The Norway Spruce seedlings will be available on a first-come first-serve basis at the East Windsor Police Athletic League fields on Airport Road.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov Presented Annual State of East Windsor Township Address on May 6 at MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce meeting at the Holiday Inn East Windsor. The Mayor's address included updates on commercial development, new business openings, recreation and open space projects and goals, roadway and transportation improvements, and other Township news. The address can be viewed beginning Monday, May 11 on the Township websitewww.east-windsor.nj.us.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presented the annual State of East Windsor Township Address at meeting of MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce at the Holiday Inn East Windsor. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mark Roney, Esq, East Windsor Chapter Chairman; Robert Prunetti, CEO and President, MidJersey Chamber of Commerce; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Amy M.B. McKenna, Vice President, MidJersey Chamber of Commerce; Stacey DeAlmeida, Vice President and East Windsor Branch Manager, First Choice Bank; Stacy Mattia, Chairman of the Board, MidJersey Chamber of Commerce; Tom Lanigan, Senior Vice President and Regional Manager, First Choice Bank. -
Hightstown-East Windsor Memorial Day Parade Is Monday, May 25, and will kick-off at 9 am on Stockton Street and proceed through the center of Hightstown. The annual community event will feature many local groups including veterans associations, rescue squads and fire companies, school musical groups, scout organizations, religious organizations and other area participants. At the completion of the parade, refreshments will be served at VFW Post 5700 on Dutch Neck Road.
East Windsor and Hightstown Mayors Co-Hosted Better Beginnings Shining Star Charity Gala, and recognized five 2015"Shining Star" honorees for their contributions: Joan Gordon, Lifetime Achievement Award; Edward Kelley, Lifetime Achievement Award; Hightstown Elks Lodge 1955, Organization Award, The Americana Diner, Business Award, and Youth Disciples Group of First Presbyterian Church, Youth Group Award. The gala event was a charity fundraiser for Better Beginnings, a local child care development center, which began in 1967 and provides pre-school, after school and summer programs to area children.
East Windsor and Hightstown Mayors recognize 2015 "Shining Star" honorees at the Better Beginnings Charity Gala. Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Joan Gordon; Christian Flagg and Megan Bloemeke of Youth Disciples; Edward Kelley; Lori Bernas of Elks Lodge; Constantine Katsifis of Americana Diner, and Hightstown Mayor Larry Quattrone. -
East Windsor Recreation Department Summer Camp Registration is Ongoing. A variety of recreational day and travel camps are offered for students entering grades K-10: the Sunny Day Camp for children entering kindergarten and Grade 1; the Recreation Day Camp for children entering Grade 2 through Grade 6; the Junior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 4 through Grade 6, and the Senior Travel Camp for children entering Grade 7 through Grade 10. Camp Care for before and after care of students is also available for an additional fee. Registrations and program information are available at the Township municipal building, local libraries and online at (CLICK HERE). For additional information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 214.
East Windsor Recreation Department Still Accepting Applications for 2015 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
East Windsor Winning Earth Day Recycling Posters are on display on the first floor lobby of the Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, during May.
CALENDAR: East Windsor Township Held a Highly SuccessfulRecycling Day on Saturday, April 25, and Future Recycling/Paper Shredding Events Are Scheduled for Wednesday, July 8 from 4 pm to 8 pm and Saturday, October 3 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
May 15, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Donations Are Being Accepted for Victims of Windsor Castle Apartment Fire. A fire at Building "A" of Windsor Castle Apartments damaged 16 apartments and displaced 29 residents of 12 occupied units. The Windsor Castle Apartments Management Office is accepting nonperishable food items or $10.00 gift card donations (Target, Walmart, ShopRite) to assist those residents displaced by the fire. Persons wishing to donate can drop off these specific items to the Rental Office located at apartment M5 Windsor Castle Apartments. Currently they are not accepting clothing donations. Rental Office hours are from 10am to 4pm Monday through Saturday and office staff can be contacted at (609) 448-5275.
ALERT: Hickory Corner Road between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive Road Work Began Tuesday, May 12. The work, performed by low bidder Robert Barret Paving, begins with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway is slated for approximately June 1, weather dependent. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
East Windsor Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program "Use Your Head" Continues on Wednesdays, May 20 and 27, from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Township residents age 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet, at no cost, at these sessions. After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
Hightstown-East Windsor Memorial Day Parade Is Monday, May 25, and will kick-off at 9 am on Stockton Street and proceed through the center of Hightstown. The annual community event will feature many local groups including veterans associations, rescue squads and fire companies, school musical groups, scout organizations, religious organizations and other area participants. At the completion of the parade, refreshments will be served at VFW Post 5700 on Dutch Neck Road.
Township Recreation Department Offers Trip to NY Liberty vs. Atlanta Dream Basketball Game on Friday, June 5 at 7:30 pm at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The trip includes the opportunity after the game to meet and obtain autographs from several players. The bus will leave from the Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, at 4:30 pm and return at approximately 11:00 pm. The cost is $20.00, which includes transportation, ticket for 100 level seating behind the basket, and a $10.00 voucher for food or merchandise. For more information and to register, visit Township website or (CLICK HERE) or call (609) 443-4000, ext. 214.
Township Commission on Aging has Compiled and Prepared an East Windsor Township Senior Services Directory to provide an information guide for a better understanding and access to services and facilities in our area which are available for senior citizens. While it is not intended to be all-inclusive, it does offer a listing of many of the available resources for senior citizens in this area for housing, medical insurance, home care, nutrition, transportation, education, recreation and employment opportunities. Copies are available at the Township Senior Center, East Windsor Municipal Building and libraries, as well as on-line at www.east-windsor.nj.us.
East Windsor Recreation Department Still Accepting Applications for 2015 Summer Camp Positions. The positions include camp supervisors, camp counselors, before and after camp care staff, lifeguards, and (non-paying) counselors-in-training. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Township Recreation Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 214 or on-line at (CLICK HERE). Individuals 18 years and older will be subject to a criminal background check. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov Presented Annual State of East Windsor Township Address on May 6 which included updates on commercial development, new business openings, recreation and open space projects, roadway and transportation improvements, and other Township news and goals. The address can be viewed by (CLICK HERE) or on the Township website www.east-windsor.nj.us.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
May 22, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Donations Are Being Accepted for Victims of Windsor Castle Apartment Fire. A fire at Building "A" of Windsor Castle Apartments damaged 16 apartments and displaced 29 residents of 12 occupied units. The Windsor Castle Apartments Management Office is accepting nonperishable food items or $10.00 gift card donations (Target, Walmart, ShopRite) to assist those residents displaced by the fire. Persons wishing to donate can drop off these specific items to the Rental Office located at apartment M5 Windsor Castle Apartments. Currently they are not accepting clothing donations. Rental Office hours are from 10am to 4pm Monday through Saturday and office staff can be contacted at (609) 448-5275.
ALERT: Hickory Corner Road between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive Road Work Began Tuesday, May 12. The work, performed by low bidder Robert Barret Paving, begins with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway is slated for approximately June 1, weather dependent. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
Patel Brothers Grocery Will Open in the Former Genuardi's in the East Windsor Village on May 28. A grand opening celebration and ribbon-cutting by Mayor Janice Mironov, who will be joined by Township Council Members and store owners, has been scheduled for Thursday, May 28 at 9 am. Patel Brothers is a U.S. based grocery retail chain which offers a full line of groceries including dry goods, frozen items and fresh produce. The company partners with renowned food wholesaler Raja Foods, which imports food products such as rice, spices, and juices from countries including England, Spain, India, Pakistan, China and Australia.
Good Flavor Asian Express Chinese Restaurant Opens in Town Center Plaza, between the Shoprite and Starplex movie theater next to Let's Yo, on Route 130 North. Good Flavor Asian Express, owned by local resident Giang Li, offers a variety of chicken, beef, pork and seafood dishes as well as rice, noodle, dumpling and spring/egg roll sides in a buffet-style setting. Currently, the restaurant is open daily from 11 am to 10 pm. Patrons can follow them on Instagram at Good Flavor Asian Express for updates and menus, and can contact the restaurant at (609) 216-2096.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov cuts the ribbon for the grand opening of Good Flavor Asian Express Chinese restaurant in the Town Center Plaza on Route 130 North. Pictured (from left to right) are: David Lee, son of owner; Council Member John Zoller; Council Member Perry Shapiro; Giang Li, owner of Good Flavor; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member Hector Duke; Council Member Alan Rosenberg, and Bryan Remache, employee of Good Flavor. -
Final Bicycle Helmet Giveaway Program "Use Your Head"Session, Sponsored by East Windsor Officials, Is Wednesday, May 27. Residents age 5 through 16 can receive a bicycle helmet, at no cost, at this session held at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard). After viewing a brief 5 minute video on the importance of bicycle helmets and bicycle safety, participants will be measured and given a properly fitted bicycle helmet, along with safety literature. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
East Windsor officials kick-off Use Your Head bicycle safety helmet giveaway program. Pictured (from left to right) are: Kelsey Kelly; Connor Kelly; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Robert Kelly; Sergeant Scott Bodnar, Traffic Safety Unit Supervisor; Karli Kelly, and Madison Kelly. -
REMINDER: Hightstown-East Windsor Memorial Day Parade Is Monday, May 25, and will kick-off at 9 am on Stockton Street and proceed through the center of Hightstown. The annual community event will feature many local groups including veterans associations, rescue squads and fire companies, school musical groups, scout organizations, religious organizations and other area participants. At the completion of the parade, refreshments will be served at VFW Post 5700 on Dutch Neck Road.
"Emergency Medical Technicians of the Year" Kira Behenand Robert Held Honored During Recognition of Emergency Medical Services Week. Mayor Janice S. Mironov praised by Proclamations all Township emergency medical services volunteers of East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 1 and current East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2 for their exemplary service, and recognized East Windsor Rescue Squad, District I "EMT of the Year" Kira Behen and East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2 "EMT of the Year" Robert Held.Kira Behen, who joined Rescue Squad, District I in 2003 and currently serves as President, previously served as Deputy Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Safety Officer, Vehicle Engineer, and Cadet Advisor as well as a mentor for new members. She achieved her certifications as an Emergency Medical Technician in 2004 and Paramedic in 2012, and has been ranked as the Top Responder for the past ten years. Kira Behen is directly responsible for eleven adult CPR saves and two pediatric CPR cardiac arrest saves, administered the EpiPen to reverse the potentially deadly effects of Anaphylaxis and applied her technical rescue skills for several vehicle extrications. As a tribute to her outstanding accomplishments and dedicated service, Kira Behen also was recognized as EMT of the Year for 2010 and 2011. Robert Held, who has served as a Township Rescue Squad volunteer for almost 30 years, currently is Deputy Chief for currently organized East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2. He has previously served in numerous positions of leadership and key responsibility within the prior East Windsor Rescue Squad, District 2, including First Lieutenant, Captain, Vice President and Crew Chief, in addition to helping to train new members. He has earned a Top Responder award for the past three years, as well as stepping up and being a major responder for 2015. Robert Held is directly responsible for two ambulance child births and five cardiac saves.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes "EMT'S of the Year" Kira Behen of East Windsor Rescue Squad, District No. 1 and Robert Held of currently organized East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2. Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Rescue Squad, District I Chief Scott Prykanowski; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Kira Behen, East Windsor Rescue Squad, District I "EMT of the Year"; Robert Held, East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2 "EMT of the Year"; East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2 President Rita Teubner, and East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2 Chief Tristan Torres. -
Township Commission on Aging has Compiled and Prepared an East Windsor Township Senior Services Directory to provide an information guide for a better understanding and access to services and facilities in our area which are available for senior citizens. While it is not intended to be all-inclusive, it does offer a listing of many of the available resources for senior citizens in this area for housing, medical insurance, home care, nutrition, transportation, education, recreation and employment opportunities. Copies are available at the Township Senior Center, East Windsor Municipal Building and libraries, as well as on-line at www.east-windsor.nj.us.
Township Senior Center Offers Senior Citizen Trip to Lake George, New York for Three Days Two Nights on October 5 to 7, 2015. The trip package includes: transportation; 2 nights accommodations at the beautiful Surfside on the Lake; welcome reception; breakfasts; traditional dinner at Club Hamilton Surfside; dinner theatre show entitled "Movie Magic"; two hour guided tour of historic Saratoga Springs; narrated Captains Cruise on Lake George; visit to Prospect Mountain, and shopping at Suttons Marketplace. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 10:00 am on October 5 and return at approximately 4:30 pm on October 7. For further information and to register, call (609) 371-7192 or visit the Senior Center. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See "Sinatra Forever"at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, New Jersey on Tuesday, June 9. Rick Michel and his 24 piece Symphonic Orchestra will bring home to New Jersey Frank Sinatra, with a 90 minute show of all of his greatest hits. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 11:00 am and return at approximately 4:30 pm, and the performance is 1:30 pm. Admission is free plus 50 cents for transportation. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
June Focus on Medical Programs and Information at the East Windsor Township Senior Center. Programs include: blood pressure screening; oral cancer screening; carotid artery screening;"Keeping Your Mind Sharp"; "Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease for Men and Women"; "Podiatrist"; "Effective Doctor Visits: Making the most of your time", and "Put Pain in its Place." For details, check the Township website www.east-windsor.nj.us or contact (609) 371-7192. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
May 29, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Hickory Corner Road between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive Road Work Continues. The work began mid-May and continues with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. In light of the amount of concrete work, milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway at this point is slated for mid-June, weather dependent. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
Patel Brothers Grocery Opens in Former Genuardi's in the East Windsor Village, on Princeton Hightstown Road. The new grocery store occupies 22,300 square feet in this center which is anchored by Target and TJMaxx and newest tenant Kay Jewelers. Patel Brothers is a U.S. based grocery retail chain which offers a full line of groceries including dry goods, frozen items and fresh produce. The company partners with renowned food wholesaler Raja Foods, which imports food products such as rice, spices, and juices from countries including England, Spain, India, Pakistan, China and Australia. Patel Brothers grocery store, which opened their flagship store in 1974 in Chicago, Illinois, is a growing national chain with 49 locations in the United States and 3 locations in Canada. New Jersey locations include North Brunswick, South Amboy and Parsippany. Patel Brothers recently ranked #17 on the Saveur 100, an annual list of "favorite restaurants, food, drink, people, places and things" compiled by Saveur, a food and travel magazine. For further information, visit their website atwww.patelbros.com.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov cuts the ribbon for the grand opening of Patel Brothers Grocery in the East Windsor Village on Princeton Hightstown Road. Pictured from left to right are: (front row) Rohit Shah, (Contractor, P & K Contracting, Inc.); Mahendra Patel, (Founder of Patel Brothers Grocery Chain); Tulsi Patel, (Founder of Patel Brothers Grocery Chain); Kaushik Patel, (Co-Owner of East Windsor Patel Brothers Grocery); Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Mafat Patel, (Founder of Patel Brothers Grocery Chain); Council Member John Zoller; (back row) Deep Patel, (Co-Owner of East Windsor Patel Brothers Grocery); Council Member Perry Shapiro; Vishnu Patel, (Co-Owner of East Windsor Patel Brothers Grocery); Council Member Alan Rosenberg, and Council Member Peter Yeager. -
REMINDER: Primary Election Day Is Tuesday, June 2. Polls are open from 6 am to 8 pm. A voter may also apply to "Vote by Mail" in person until 3 pm Monday June 1 at the Mercer County Clerk's Office. For further information, including polling locations, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Township Officials Have Initiated "Area in Need of Redevelopment" Process Pursuant to State Law to Redevelop Former National Lead and Adjoining Site on Wyckoff Mills Road. The two properties, totaling 50 acres, were purchased by a broker/builder and another party has a contingency contract and plans to develop the sites consistent with the master plan and research office zoning. The NL site contains a vacant laboratory and research building constructed in the 1960's, and the adjacent property contains a building constructed in 1975. The structures are all in poor condition and dilapidated, and unoccupied and unused for long periods. The process, approved by the Mayor and Council and the Planning Board, empowers the Township to craft a plan with the potential developer to realize a blueprint for redevelopment of these properties.
East Windsor Officials Kick-Off Phase 2 of Bicycle SafetyProgram Distributing Form Summonses Congratulating Children Wearing Safety Helmets in June and July. The child will be asked by elected officials and police officers to sign a pledge "to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades." Completion of the pledge and form will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes to take place at "National Night Out" on Tuesday August 4. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
East Windsor Awarded 2015 Clean Communities Grant of $51,857. NJ Clean Communities is a state-wide litter abatement program created by State legislation and managed by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and the Clean Communities Council. The Clean Communities Act establishes a funding mechanism for the program by placing a user fee on manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors who produce litter-generating products.
Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, June 13, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
June 5, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Hickory Corner Road between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive Road Work Continues. The work began mid-May and continues with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Milling of the entire roadway is scheduled to commence on or about June 10 and paving is slated for the week of June 15, weather dependent. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
June 2 Primary Election Results are available on the Mercer County Clerk website (CLICK HERE).
East Windsor Officials Have Kicked-Off Phase 2 of Bicycle Safety Program Distributing Form Summonses Congratulating Children Wearing Safety Helmets in June and July. The child will be asked by elected officials and police officers to sign a pledge "to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard or rollerblades." Completion of the pledge and form will enable them to be entered in a drawing for prizes to take place at "National Night Out" on Tuesday August 4. The bicycle safety program is underwritten by a grant received from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety Division.
Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, June 13, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. No registration is required, just proof of Mercer County residency. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
Calendar: East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held on Thursday, July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 5) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by the Trenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs, and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
June 12, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Hickory Corner Road between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive Road Work Continues. Work consisting of concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps has been completed. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway is scheduled for the week of June 15, weather dependent. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
Mercer County Library Now Offers "Freegal", a New Digital Media Service, to Local Library Users (includes Hickory Corner and Twin Rivers branches in East Windsor Township). Fregal, which requires registering using a local library card number, offers library cardholders the ability to stream music, movies and television shows to mobile devices and computers. Visit the Mercer County Library website at www.mcl.org to obtain detailed program information and to register.
REMINDER: Mercer County Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, June 13, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. For further information, visit the MCIA website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
June 19, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Hickory Corner Road between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive Road Work Continues Due to Delays from Weather Conditions. All repairs to concrete curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps were previously completed. The entire roadway has been milled in preparation for paving. Paving of the roadway is scheduled for the week of June 22, weather permitting. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
ALERT: Mercer County Will Perform Roadway Improvements to North Main Street (County Route 539) in Hightstown Borough between Route 33 (Franklin Street) and Wyckoff Mills Road, Commencing on or about June 23 and Continuing for up to Three Weeks (Weather Permitting). North Main Street will be closed to through traffic during work hours, Monday through Friday 9 am to 3:30 pm. Motorist should follow signed detour routes.
East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held onThursday, July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 5) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by theTrenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs, and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information.
East Windsor Township Will Hold Document Shredding / Recycling Day on Wednesday, July 8 from 4 pm to 8 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. NO ELECTRONICS ACCEPTED at this event (i.e. NO televisions, computers, computer accessories and non-working appliances.) For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Ellis Island and Liberty Island in Upper New York Bay, on Thursday, July 16.You will be dropped off at Liberty State Park to ferry to Ellis Island and its Museum of Immigration, then off to Liberty Island to see the famed statue up close. You will be on your own to explore Ellis Island and the statue of liberty at your pace along with lunch on your own. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 8:30 am and return at approximately 4:30 pm. The cost is $28 plus lunch. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Deep Cut Gardens in Middletown, New Jersey on Monday, July 20. Deep Cut Gardens offers 54 acres of gardens and greenhouses planned as a living catalog of cultivated and native plant materials that can be observed throughout the seasons. The popular parterre features 52 varieties of roses with over 180 bushes. The guided tour and lecture explores the highlights of the facility. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 8:30 am and return at approximately 2:30 pm. The cost is $10.00 plus 50 cents transportation plus $8.00 lunch at Red Oak Diner in Hazlet. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Womanspace Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Volunteers Wanted. East Windsor Township Police, in collaboration with Womanspace, is recruiting volunteers who work in conjunction with the police to provide support, information and referral at the time of a domestic violence situation. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, possess a valid driver's license and access to transportation, and submit to a background investigation, including fingerprinting. Bilingual individuals are encouraged to participate. An 80-hour mandatory training course is provided. Applications are available at the East Windsor Police / Court Building (80 One Mile Road) or visitwww.womanspace.org. For more information, contact Detective Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
June 26, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Hickory Corner Road between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive Roadway Improvements Largely Completed. The entire roadway has been milled and paving has been completed between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive. Final paving of the Hickory Corner Road and Dorchester Drive intersection is expected to be completed on Friday, June 26, weather permitting. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions.
ALERT: According to Mercer County, Roadway Improvements Will Be Performed to North Main Street (County Route 539) in Hightstown Borough between Route 33 (Franklin Street) and Wyckoff Mills Road, Commencing on or about Monday, June 29 and Continuing for Up to Three Weeks (Weather Permitting). North Main Street will be closed to through traffic during work hours, Monday through Friday 9 am to 3:30 pm. Motorist should follow signed detour routes.
East Windsor Awarded NJ Green Acres Grant of $550,000 for Open Space Preservation. These funds are very important in enabling East Windsor Township to continue our ambitious program to acquire and preserve open space in East Windsor. Preservation of open space and farmland remains a top priority of this Township administration, and a key component of maintaining recreational opportunities, a healthy and desirable environment and ecosystem, and a positive balance of open land for the community. The $550,000 in grant funds will be used by the Township to acquire additional open space sites listed in the state approved East Windsor Township Open Space and Recreation Plan. There are several parcels which will be considered for open space preservation on Old York Road, Etra Road, Conover Road, and Cedarville Road. Recent East Windsor acquisitions include 24 acres on Airport Road, 40 acres on Etra Road, 30 acres on Disbrow Hill Road, as well as donations of 7.55 acres on Airport Road and 38 acres on Wyckoffs Mill Road.
East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held onThursday, July 2 (rain date Sunday, July 5) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by theTrenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs, and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information.
East Windsor Kicks-Off "We Check for 21" Campaign Joined by Township License Holders, an initiative of Mayor Mironov and Council Members to deter underage drinking. As part of the Township campaign, liquor license holders are required to sign the "We Check for 21" pledge, affirming strong support of the program, as a condition of receiving their liquor license renewal. The Township recognizes and thanks the license holders personally attending the kick-off event for their support: Jugraj Parmar of Shoppes at East Windsor; Todd Borelli of Bottle King Discount Wine & Liquors; Kathy Vogel of Charlie Brown's Steakhouse; Ryan Quigley of City Streets Café; Edward Bogdan of David's Pub & Package; Jessica Sokol of Days Inn of East Windsor; Vijay Papaiya of Divya and Krisha and Divya and Krina, LLC; Patricia O'Brien of Hightstown Elks #1955; Alexis Seiferling and Samatha Natiello of Holiday Inn of East Windsor; Paul Miller of The Peddie Golf Club; Ranganath Lingala of PST Associates, LLC; John Eisberg of TGI Friday's; Jimmy Manetes of Town Diner; and Commander Bruce MacDougall of VFW Post 5700.
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov recognizes local liquor license holders for their participation in the 2015 "We Check for 21" campaign. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member and Municipal Alliance Coordinator Peter Yeager; Ranganath Lingala of PST Associates, LLC; Commander Bruce MacDougall of VFW Post 5700; Todd Borelli of Bottle King Discount Wine & Liquors; Kathy Vogel of Charlie Brown's Steakhouse; Samatha Natiello of Holiday Inn of East Windsor; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Patricia O'Brien of Hightstown Elks #1955; Alexis Seiferling of Holiday Inn of East Windsor; John Eisberg of TGI Friday's; Jessica Sokol of Days Inn of East Windsor; Vijay Papaiya of Divya and Krisha and Divya and Krina, LLC; Paul Miller of The Peddie Golf Club; Edward Bogdan of David's Pub & Package; Jimmy Manetes of Town Diner; Jugraj Parmar of Shoppes at East Windsor; and Ryan Quigley of City Streets Café. -
No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Friday, July 3 due to the holiday. Residents of Area #2, who would normally have garbage collection on Friday, July 3, are to put their garbage out on the next regularly scheduled collection date which is Tuesday, July 7. Public works schedules can be viewed on the Township website at https://www.east-windsor.nj.us.
Current Contractor Irvin Raphael, Inc. of East Brunswick Will Continue to Operate Township Princeton Junction Shuttle Bus. The contract is bid yearly and based on their low bid, Irvin Raphael's contract will run from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. East Windsor's Shuttle Bus program to and from the Princeton Junction train station, as well as the Township Community Bus program, is underwritten by annual grants from the Federal Transportation Administration and NJ Transit. There will be no changes in current bus schedules. For bus program/schedule information, visit the Township website at https://www.east-windsor.nj.us.
Meadow Lakes, a Springpoint Senior Living Community, Celebrates 50th Anniversary. Meadow Lakes, located on Etra Road, opened in 1965 as the first Continuing Care Retirement Community in the state and among the first in the nation, pioneering a concept of providing independent living with access to health care on the same campus. Mayor Janice Mironov issued a Proclamation stating, "Meadow Lakes is situated on more than 100 attractive acres, adorned by lakes, swans, meadows and wildlife, as well as an exceptional recognized arboretum, with glass enclosed walkways connecting the campus allowing the panoramic views to be appreciated by residents and staff year-round. Meadow Lakes offers a wide array of services and amenities, natural surroundings, a lifestyle of intellectual and cultural activities, and the companionship of remarkable individuals."
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents Proclamation to Meadow Lakes representatives at 50th Anniversary Gala event. Pictured (from left to right) are: Anthony Argondizza, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Springpoint Senior Living; Jay Whiteman, Meadow Lakes Executive Director; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Jess Willard, Meadow Lakes First Executive Director, and Gene Wachpress, Resident Forum President. -
Groups and Businesses Invited to Participate in "National Night Out" Set for Tuesday, August 4 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL Complex, 30 Airport Road. This annual fun educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.Area community groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Det. Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231, or gorski@ewpd.com.
CALENDAR: East Windsor Sponsors "Simply Diamond"Concert on Sunday, July 19 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The sights and sounds will make you feel as if you are at the legend's concert. Simply Diamond will perform tributes to all of the most popular Neil Diamond songs, including, "Kentucky Woman," "Cracklin' Rosie," "Sweet Caroline," "America" and many more. The free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
July 2, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Reminder: East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held Today Thursday, July 2 at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife's Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6 piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by theTrenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6 piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing "Americana" and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses.
No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur onFriday, July 3 due to the holiday. Residents of Area #2, who would normally have garbage collection on Friday, July 3, are to put their garbage out on the next regularly scheduled collection date which is Tuesday, July 7. Public works schedules can be viewed on the Township website at https://www.east-windsor.nj.us.
Reminder: East Windsor Township Will Hold Document Shredding / Recycling Day on Wednesday, July 8 from 4 pm to 8 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shreddingwill be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. NO ELECTRONICS ACCEPTED at this event (i.e. NO televisions, computers, computer accessories and non-working appliances.) For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
East Windsor Sponsors "Simply Diamond" Concert onSunday, July 19 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The sights and sounds will make you feel as if you are at the legend's concert. Simply Diamond will perform tributes to all of the most popular Neil Diamond songs, including, "Kentucky Woman," "Cracklin' Rosie," "Sweet Caroline," "America" and many more. The free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.
Groups and Businesses Invited to Participate in "National Night Out" Set for Tuesday, August 4 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL Complex, 30 Airport Road. This annual fun educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.Area community groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Det. Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231, or gorski@ewpd.com.
Happy July 4 Independence Day to Our United States!
Have a Safe and Enjoyable Holiday!
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
July 10, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Hickory Corner Road between Dutch Neck Road and Dorchester Drive Road Work Completed. Final punch list items and striping will be handled.
Mercer County Roadway Improvements to North Main Street (County Route 539) in Hightstown Borough between Route 33 (Franklin Street) and Wyckoff Mills Road Completed. Final punch list items and striping will be handled.
Township Officials Have Designated Former National Lead and Adjoining Site on Wyckoffs Mill Road "Area in Need of Redevelopment" Pursuant to State Law to Redevelop. The two properties, totaling 50 acres, were purchased by a broker/builder and another party has a contingency contract and plans to develop the sites consistent with the master plan and research office zoning. The NL site contains a vacant laboratory and research building constructed in the 1960's, and the adjacent property contains a building constructed in 1975. The structures are all in poor condition and dilapidated, and unoccupied and unused for long periods. The process, approved by the Mayor and Council and the Planning Board, empowers the Township to craft a plan with the potential developer to realize a blueprint for redevelopment of these properties.
2015 "Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer" Awarded Posthumously to LISTON ABBOTT and JOYCE ABBOTT by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Township Commission on Aging, and was accepted by Liston and Joyce Abbott's son, Wayne Abbott. Liston and Joyce Abbott, residents of East Windsor since 1968, were both born in the U.S. Virgin Islands where they knew one another since their pre-elementary school days, and married in 1963 after moving to New York City. Better Beginnings Child Development Center, an important and prime focus of their lives, remembers them as two very special people who changed our world for the better. Liston Abbott served as Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Better Beginnings Day Care Center since 1974, where his extensive activities ranged from writing many of the computer programs the organization relies on to this day to tirelessly fundraising to ensure the viability of this important community facility. He also volunteered for a variety of organizations including the United Way, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Mercer County and the Hightstown Human Relations Council. Mr. Abbott has also received the United Way Lambert Award, Better Beginnings Shining Star, Kappa Alpha Psi's Men of Achievement, Council of Community Services and a proclamation for the contribution to Electrical Engineering by the Legislature of the Virgin Islands. Joyce Abbott, who was extensively involved in the community from girl scouts to tutoring young students, was co-founder of "Our Kids," an organization dedicated to immersing children in cultural activities and education on African-American History. She was a long time member of the Central Jersey Network of Black Women and served as president from 2005-2007. Mrs. Abbott also was a member of "People of Color" and a deaconess of Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church. Joyce was honored by the Latina Woman's Council of Mercer County as a "Women in Motion" and received the Betsey Stockton Award from the Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church. The "Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer," presented annually by East Windsor Township, recognizes a senior citizen who has exhibited outstanding service through volunteerism to the community by way of schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the public.
East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov presents the 2015 “Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer” to Wayne Abbott in honor of his parents Liston and Joyce Abbott. Pictured (from left to right) are: Dennis McClary, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Better Beginnings Child Care Center; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Wayne Abbott; Ondina Jeffers, Chairperson of the East Windsor Commission on Aging; Ina Heiman, Commission on Aging Member; Gloria Golbert, Commission on Aging Member; and Susan Flaster, Commission on Aging Member. -
East Windsor Sponsors "Simply Diamond" Concert onSunday, July 19 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The sights and sounds will make you feel as if you are at the legend's concert. Simply Diamond will perform tributes to all of the most popular Neil Diamond songs, including, "Kentucky Woman," "Cracklin' Rosie," "Sweet Caroline," "America" and many more. The free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.
Groups and Businesses Invited to Participate in "National Night Out" Set for Tuesday, August 4 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL Complex, 30 Airport Road. This annual fun educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.Area community groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Det. Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231, or gorski@ewpd.com.
CALENDAR: East Windsor Sponsors "Bronx Wanderers" Concert on Sunday, August 2 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The Bronx Wanderers ultimate tribute to Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons and Dion will feature favorites as "Sherry", "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Run Around Sue," "The Wanderers," along with the current sounds of Coldplay, Bruno Mars and many more. All of the free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
July 17, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: East Windsor Sponsors "Simply Diamond"Concert on Sunday, July 19 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. Simply Diamond will perform tributes to all of the most popular Neil Diamond songs, including, "Kentucky Woman," "Cracklin' Rosie," "Sweet Caroline," "America" and many more. In the event of inclement weather, the concert will be held indoors at the high school at 25 Leshin Lane, Hightstown, NJ 08520, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information. The free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.
Groups and Businesses Invited to Participate in "National Night Out" Set for Tuesday, August 4 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL Complex, 30 Airport Road. This annual fun educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police Harry Marshall, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme.Area community groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Det. Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231, or gorski@ewpd.com.
CALENDAR: East Windsor Sponsors "Bronx Wanderers"Concert on Sunday, August 2 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The Bronx Wanderers ultimate tribute to Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons and Dion will feature favorites as "Sherry," "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Run Around Sue," and "The Wanderers," along with the current sounds of Coldplay, Bruno Mars and many more.
CALENDAR: East Windsor Sponsors "B Street Band" Concert on Sunday, August 9 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The original Springsteen Tribute band, which has been rocking Bruce fans throughout the country, performs pieces from the early days of "the Boss" to today.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
July 24, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Holds "National Night Out" on Tuesday, August 4 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor P.A.L. Complex, 30 Airport Road. This fun and educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with the police department, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child safety car seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Additionally, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations, as well as face painting, a moon bounce and rock climbing wall for children. Music and prizes will be provided by New Jersey Radio 101.5 and refreshments will be available. For further information, contact Det. Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
Woods at East Windsor Holds Ground Breaking with Mayor Mironov and Council Members and Sterling Properties Executives. The 86 unit three building three story 55 and over rental community on 12.3 acres is located on Lanning Boulevard, between the Township Senior Center and the Springpoint Senior Living development Wheaton Pointe. The complex includes a clubhouse and outdoor amenities including a swimming pool, bocce court and community garden. The developer expects units to become available for occupancy in early summer 2016.
East Windsor officials and Sterling Properties executives break ground on new senior development Woods at East Windsor. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Peter Yeager; Council Member Perry Shapiro; Nicholas Hollenbeck, Director of Sales & Marketing, Sterling Properties; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Steven Katz, Principal, Sterling Properties; Council Member John Zoller; Jeffrey Garfinkel, Director of Acquisitions and Development, Sterling Properties; and Brandon Lynch, President, L2i Construction. -
East Windsor Sponsors "Bronx Wanderers" Concert onSunday, August 2 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The Bronx Wanderers ultimate tribute to Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons and Dion will feature favorites as "Sherry," "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Run Around Sue," and "The Wanderers," along with the current sounds of Coldplay, Bruno Mars and many more. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information. The freesummer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.
East Windsor Sponsors "B Street Band" Concert on Sunday, August 9 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The original Springsteen Tribute band, which has been rocking Bruce fans throughout the country, performs pieces from the early days of "the Boss" to today.
East Windsor Police Lieutenant Jeffrey Dorrian and Sergeant Jason Hart Promoted to Fill Vacated Positions Created by Promotions and Retirements. Lieutenant Jeffrey Dorrian, hired by East Windsor in February 1997, has served in Uniform Services as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Secondary Officer in Charge, and Primary Officer in Charge. In June 2010, Lieutenant Dorrian was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and for the past three years has been the Operations Supervisor in Investigative Services. He has a Bachelor’s Degree and Master of Administrative Science Degree from Farleigh Dickinson University. Lieutenant Dorrian will be assigned as the Investigative Services Commander. Sergeant Jason Hart, who joined East Windsor in January 2004, graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy in 2003 and previously was a special police officer in Seaside Park Borough. He has served in Uniform Services as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, and Secondary Officer in Charge. In April 2011, he was assigned as a Detective to Investigative Services. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Albright College and a Masters of Education degree from The College of New Jersey. Sergeant Hart will be assigned as a Supervisor in the Uniform Services.
Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Township Mayor Janice S. Mironov; newly promoted Police Sergeant Jason Hart; newly promoted Police Lieutenant Jeffrey Dorrian, and Chief of Police Harry Marshall. -
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See the Musical"Cabaret" at Algonquin Arts Theatre in Manasquan, New Jersey, on Sunday, August 9. "Cabaret" is set in 1931 amid the nightlife of the seedy Kit Kat Klub, which serves as a metaphor for ominous political developments in Germany as the Nazis are rising to power. Life there revolves around the 19 year old English cabaret performer Sally Bowles and her relationship with the young American writer Cliff Bradshaw. Memorable songs from Cabaret include "Willkomen," "Maybe this Time," "Mein Herr," and "Money. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 1:30 pm and return at approximately 6:30 pm. The cost is $14.00 admission plus 50 cents for transportation. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Hayden Planetarium and American Museum of Natural History in New York, New York on Friday, August 14. The state-of-the-art technology space show "Dark Universe" in the Planetarium celebrates the pivotal discoveries that have led us to greater knowledge of the structure and history of the universe and new frontiers for exploration. The trip also includes a one hour guided tour of the Rose Center for Earth and Space and the American Museum of Natural History. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 8:00 am and return at approximately 4:00 pm. The cost is $40.00 plus lunch on your own in the food court. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
July 31, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: East Windsor Holds "National Night Out" onTuesday, August 4 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor P.A.L. Complex, 30 Airport Road. This fun and educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with the police department, will feature police, fire and emergency medical services equipment and crime watch information. There will be demonstrations by a canine trained in detecting illegal drugs, child safety car seat inspections and demonstrations by the American Red Cross. Many community groups and area businesses will host booths with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Additionally, areas will be set up for issuance of identification cards for children, fire hose demonstrations, as well as face painting, a moon bounce and rock climbing wall for children. Music and prizes will be provided by New Jersey Radio 101.5 and refreshments will be available. For further information, contact Det. Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
REMINDER: East Windsor Sponsors "Bronx Wanderers"Concert on Sunday, August 2 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The Bronx Wanderers ultimate tribute to Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons and Dion will feature favorites as "Sherry," "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Run Around Sue," and "The Wanderers," along with the current sounds of Coldplay, Bruno Mars and many more. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information. The freesummer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.
East Windsor Sponsors "B Street Band" Concert on Sunday, August 9 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The original Springsteen Tribute band, which has been rocking Bruce fans throughout the country, performs pieces from the early days of "the Boss" to today.
East Windsor to Launch "Bike at Night - Use a Light", the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, which commences on Tuesday, August 4 and continues through Friday, September 11, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety. Note: At the August 4 East Windsor "National Night Out" event, the drawing for prizes will take place for children who have received Congratulations Summonses and signed the Pledge "to use a safety helmet when using a bicycle, skateboard, or rollerblades."
ALERT: Brooktree Developer Scheduled to Restore Oak Creek Road between Dutch Neck Road and Heathwood Drive Area on or about August 5. While there may be some minor delays or inconvenience during the work, this section of roadway will remain open at all times.
"Spotlight East Windsor" High School and College Student Volunteers Recognized by Mayor Mironov with Certificates of Appreciation for their valuable contributions to the production of the local live call-in television program, which provides residents with timely news and information of interest to area residents. Recognized student volunteers are Danielle Dover, Kordell Easy, Jonathan Jack, Isabelle Jocelyn, Elena Plumser, Jordan Scott, Jared Sokoloff, and Sarina Sokoloff. Thanks also to Bernice Cunningham and Dick Cunningham. The volunteer program provides students with the opportunity to learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and other broadcast production principles.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents Certificates of Appreciation to "Spotlight East Windsor" student volunteers. Pictured (from left to right) are: Bishop Johnson, Spotlight East Windsor Camera Director; Elena Plumser; Kordell Easy; Sarina Sokoloff; Jordan Scott; Spotlight East Windsor Host Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Jared Sokoloff; Jonathan Jack; Spotlight East Windsor Director Stephen St. Romain; and Spotlight East Windsor Anchor Dick Cunningham. Not pictured are Danielle Dover and Isabelle Jocelyn. -
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and the Township Clean Communities Committee Award Fulton Bank with Certificate of Appreciation for Keeping East Windsor Township Litter Free. Fulton Bank, located at the corner of Route 571 and Old Trenton Road, was acknowledged as a commercial establishment situated in a highly visible prominent location on major Township roads, for keeping its property and building well maintained and landscaped and free of litter thereby enhancing the municipal appearance and environment. The purpose of the award is to recognize a local business that has made special efforts to keep East Windsor Township litter free.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and East Windsor Clean Communities Committee present to Fulton Bank in East Windsor a Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Efforts to Keep East Windsor Township Litter Free. Pictured (from left to right) are: Heidi Accola, Assistant Vice President/East Windsor Branch Manager; Katie Bauer, Customer Service Representative Supervisor; Tina Middleton, Vice President Commercial Lending Group; Savita Lachman, Vice President/Regional Manager; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; John Donnelly, Clean Communities Committee Chairperson; Murray Barnett, Clean Communities Committee Member; Ed Siperavage, Senior Mortgage Loan Officer; and Council Liaison Alan Rosenberg. -
East Windsor Holds "Family Night in the Park" on Saturday, August 22 at 7 pm at Etra Lake Park Featuring "Big Hero 6"on a Large-Screen. "Big Hero 6" is about the special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hire Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. Prior to the start of the movie, there will be inflatable rides, games and vendors. For information in the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
August 7, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: East Windsor Sponsors "B Street Band" Concert on Sunday, August 9 at 6 pm at Etra Lake Park. The original Springsteen Tribute band, which has been rocking Bruce fans throughout the country, performs pieces from the early days of "the Boss" to today. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for information. The free summer concert and family night series is made possible by the generous donations of many area businesses.
East Windsor Holds "Family Night in the Park" on Saturday, August 22 at 7 pm at Etra Lake Park Featuring "Big Hero 6"on a Large-Screen. "Big Hero 6" is about the special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hire Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. Prior to the start of the movie, there will be inflatable rides, games and vendors. For information in the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400.
East Windsor Continues "Bike at Night - Use a Light", through September 11, the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Township officials kick-off "Bike at Night - Use a Light," Phase 3 of the Township's bicycle safety program. Pictured (from left to right) are: East Windsor Police Chief Harry Marshall; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; East Windsor Residents Phoebe O'Connell, and Gwyneth O'Connell. -
East Windsor Township Celebrated "National Night Out" on August 4, attended by well over 2,000 people. East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov issued and presented to East Windsor Crime Watch volunteer members a Mayoral Proclamation stating, "National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for, and participation in, local anticrime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and foremost send a strong message to criminals letting them know that the community and police have joined together in fighting crime." The event is coordinated annually to demonstrate the commitment of East Windsor Township in promoting a cooperative partnership between police, local government and citizens to vigilance and crime prevention throughout the East Windsor community.
East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents a Proclamation for 2015 "National Night Out" to East Windsor Crime Watch members. Pictured (from left to right): Police Lieutenant Richard Bernstein; Crime Watch Member Wayne Vega; Crime Watch Member Stacy Labone; Crime Watch Chairperson Vincent Citarella; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Chief of Police Harry Marshall; event coordinator Police Detective Joseph Gorski; Police Lieutenant Christopher Jackson, and Police Lieutenant James Geary. -
East Windsor Is Seeking Nominations for the 2015 Township Business Awards Program. The purpose of the program is to recognize local businesses that make special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The three categories of Township award recognition are: (1) Business Beautification - creating an attractive appearance, for example, through landscaping, flowers, and other enhancements to their structures and site; (2) Community Service - providing for community contributions and service, and (3) Community Enhancement - providing some manner of community enhancement, for example, through extraordinary job creation, an unusual or special product or opportunity or any community value added aspect related to their business. Green and sustainable practices, for example, green products, energy conservation, reduction of waste and energy consumption are encouraged and will be given more weight. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Building and on-line at the Township website at (CLICK HERE). The deadline for nominations is September 16.
East Windsor is Inviting Residents to Apply for Home Improvement Funds Pursuant to Small Cities Grant Application and Housing Trust Fund Rehabilitation Programs. Residents who are income eligible can receive up to $15,000 under these programs for needed improvement work such as roofs, foundations, heating and electrical systems, plumbing system components and weatherization. For further information, contact the Township's agent Community Grants Planning & Housing at (609) 664-2781 or by email at maryalice@cgph.net.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
August 14, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: East Windsor Commencing Improvements to Oak Creek Road between Dutch Neck Road and Hickory Corner Road and Segment of Maple Stream Road on or aboutMonday, August 17, weather permitting and lasting about four weeks. The work, performed by low bidder Meco, Inc. begins with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway currently is slated for early September, weather dependent. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
ALERT: East Windsor Commencing Improvements to Dorchester Drive between Dutch Neck Road and the West Windsor Border on or about Wednesday, August 19, weather permitting and lasting about four weeks. The work, performed by low bidder P & A Construction, Inc. begins with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway currently is slated for early September, weather dependent. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
REMINDER: East Windsor Holds "Family Night in the Park"on Saturday, August 22 at 7 pm at Etra Lake Park Featuring"Big Hero 6" on a Large-Screen. "Big Hero 6" is about the special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hire Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. Prior to the start of the movie, there will be inflatable rides, games and vendors. For information in the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400.
East Windsor Awarded $5,000 "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over 2015 Statewide Labor Day Crackdown" Enforcement Grant. The grant, received from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, is to underwrite salaries of police officers for added enforcement activities directed at the detection and apprehension of intoxicated drivers. The program, which runs from August 21 through September 7, is a statewide campaign aimed at improving public safety by encouraging responsible driving.
East Windsor Continues "Bike at Night - Use a Light", through September 11, the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety.
East Windsor Is Seeking Nominations for the 2015 Township Business Awards Program. The purpose of the program is to recognize local businesses that make special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The three categories of Township award recognition are: (1) Business Beautification - creating an attractive appearance, for example, through landscaping, flowers, and other enhancements to their structures and site; (2) Community Service - providing for community contributions and service, and (3) Community Enhancement - providing some manner of community enhancement, for example, through extraordinary job creation, an unusual or special product or opportunity or any community value added aspect related to their business. Green and sustainable practices, for example, green products, energy conservation, reduction of waste and energy consumption are encouraged and will be given more weight. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Building and on-line at the Township website at (CLICK HERE). The deadline for nominations is September 16.
East Windsor is Inviting Residents to Apply for Home Improvement Funds Pursuant to Small Cities Grant Application and Housing Trust Fund Rehabilitation Programs. Residents who are income eligible can receive up to $15,000 under these programs for needed improvement work such as roofs, foundations, heating and electrical systems, plumbing system components and weatherization. For further information, contact the Township's agent Community Grants Planning & Housing at (609) 664-2781 or by email at maryalice@cgph.net.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
August 21, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: East Windsor Holds "Family Night in the Park"on Saturday, August 22 at 7 pm at Etra Lake Park Featuring"Big Hero 6" on Large-Screen. "Big Hero 6" is about the special bond that develops between plus-sized inflatable robot Baymax, and prodigy Hire Hamada, who team up with a group of friends to form a band of high-tech heroes. Prior to the start of the movie, there will be inflatable rides, games and vendors. For information in the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400.
Aldi Supermarket Opened on Thursday, August 20 in the Windsor Center at the Intersection of Route 130 and Route 571. Aldi operates nearly 1400 stores in 32 states, primarily from Kansas to the east coast.
ALERT: Roadway Improvements to Oak Creek Road between Dutch Neck Road and Hickory Corner Road and Segment of Maple Stream Road Began Tueday, August 18. The work, performed by low bidder Meco, Inc., begins with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway currently is projected for early September, weather dependent. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
ALERT: Roadway Improvements to Dorchester Drive between Dutch Neck Road and the West Windsor Border BeganWednesday, August 19. The work, performed by low bidder P & A Construction, Inc., begins with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway currently is slated for early September, weather dependent. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
East Windsor Mayor and Council Members Award Contract for Permanent Generators with $206,750 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant. The contract went to low bidder Falak Construction, Inc. for the purchase and installation of a 125 KW Emergency Generator for the Township Senior Center and a 100 KW Emergency Generator for the Township Public Works Facility. This equipment will ensure these critical facilities are fully operational during emergency situations. The Township Senior Center, in light of its size and variety of accommodations, including kitchen and refrigeration and plug in energy sources, could serve the community as a center/charging site, as well as a shelter if and as needed. The police facility currently has a back-up generator to ensure continuation of police services. Work on this project is to begin in September.
East Windsor Continues "Bike at Night - Use a Light", through September 11, the third and final phase of the Township Bike Safety Program, during which the Township will be distributing, at no cost, the required pair of bike lights along with safety information, daily through the Police/Court Building at 80 One Mile Road. This initiative is a directed effort, through public education and personal contact by police officers, to get bicyclers to use proper lighting at night. During this program, East Windsor residents can go to the police/court building and request the set of lights for their bicycle. New Jersey law and municipal ordinance require that bicycles be equipped with a white light on the front and a red light on the rear when in use during nighttime hours. The program is underwritten by a grant from the NJ Division of Highway Safety.
East Windsor Is Seeking Nominations for the 2015 Township Business Awards Program. The purpose of the program is to recognize local businesses that make special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The three categories of Township award recognition are: (1) Business Beautification - creating an attractive appearance, for example, through landscaping, flowers, and other enhancements to their structures and site; (2) Community Service - providing for community contributions and service, and (3) Community Enhancement - providing some manner of community enhancement, for example, through extraordinary job creation, an unusual or special product or opportunity or any community value added aspect related to their business. Green and sustainable practices, for example, green products, energy conservation, reduction of waste and energy consumption are encouraged and will be given more weight. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Building and on-line at the Township website at (CLICK HERE). The deadline for nominations is September 16.
East Windsor is Inviting Residents to Apply for Home Improvement Funds Pursuant to Small Cities Grant Application and Housing Trust Fund Rehabilitation Programs. Residents who are income eligible can receive up to $15,000 under these programs for needed improvement work such as roofs, foundations, heating and electrical systems, plumbing system components and weatherization. For further information, contact the Township's agent Community Grants Planning & Housing at (609) 664-2781 or by email at maryalice@cgph.net.
East Windsor Awarded $5,000 "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over 2015 Statewide Labor Day Crackdown" Enforcement Grant. The grant, received from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, is to underwrite salaries of police officers for added enforcement activities directed at the detection and apprehension of intoxicated drivers. The program, which runs from August 21 through September 7, is a statewide campaign aimed at improving public safety by encouraging responsible driving.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 237 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
August 28, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALDI Supermarket Opened on Thursday, August 20 in the Windsor Center at the Intersection of Route 130 and Route 571. ALDI operates over 1400 stores in 32 states, primarily from Texas and Kansas to the east coast, plus California, with over 4,000 stores worldwide primarily in Europe. ALDI, which calls itself "the nation's low price grocery leader," is occupying the 22,500 square foot former Bottom Dollar space. The company has updated the store with a new prototype design which has been successful in their other locations throughout the United States. ALDI was named the 2014 Retailer of the Year by Store Brands Magazine for their strong commitment to value and innovation-focused private brand product development. Current hours of operation are Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 9 pm and Sunday from 9 am to 8 pm. For further information, visit their website at www.aldi.us.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, joined by Council Members and Aldi executives, cuts ribbon for grand opening of East Windsor Aldi grocery store. Pictured (from left to right) are: Kristin Boesenberg, Aldi District Manager; Kelly Brennan, Aldi Director of Operations; Lauren DelloStritto, Aldi District Manager; Gerard Barberio, East Windsor Aldi Store Manager; Chris Daniels, Aldi Director of Operations; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member Peter Yeager; Council Member Perry Shapiro, and Council Member John Zoller. -
ALERT: Roadway Improvements to Oak Creek Road between Dutch Neck Road and Hickory Corner Road and Segment of Maple Stream Road Continue. The work, performed by low bidder Meco, Inc., began with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway currently is projected to commence the week of August 31, weather dependent. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
ALERT: Roadway Improvements to Dorchester Drive between Dutch Neck Road and the West Windsor Border Continue. The work, performed by low bidder P & A Construction, Inc., began with concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps. Milling and resurfacing of the entire roadway currently is projected for early September, weather dependent. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
Brief Wreath-Laying Ceremony for Anniversary of 9/11 Will Be Held on Friday, September 11, 2015 at 5:15 pm to remember and honor the anniversary of September 11. The ceremony will take place at the existing 9/11 Memorial located on the grounds of the East Windsor Township Municipal Building, at 16 Lanning Boulevard.
East Windsor is Inviting Residents to Apply for Home Improvement Funds Pursuant to Small Cities Grant Application and Housing Trust Fund Rehabilitation Programs. Residents who are income eligible can receive up to $15,000 under these programs for needed improvement work such as roofs, foundations, heating and electrical systems, plumbing system components and weatherization. For further information, contact the Township's agent Community Grants Planning & Housing at (609) 664-2781 or by email at maryalice@cgph.net.
East Windsor Is Seeking Nominations for the 2015 Township Business Awards Program. The purpose of the program is to recognize local businesses that make special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The three categories of Township award recognition are: (1) Business Beautification - creating an attractive appearance, for example, through landscaping, flowers, and other enhancements to their structures and site; (2) Community Service - providing for community contributions and service, and (3) Community Enhancement - providing some manner of community enhancement, for example, through extraordinary job creation, an unusual or special product or opportunity or any community value added aspect related to their business. Green and sustainable practices, for example, green products, energy conservation, reduction of waste and energy consumption are encouraged and will be given more weight. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Building and on-line at the Township website at (CLICK HERE). The deadline for nominations is September 16.
Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, September 26, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains and varnishes, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. Proof of Mercer County residency required. For further information, visit the Mercer County Improvement Authority website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur onMonday, September 7 due to the holiday. Residents of Area #1, who would normally have garbage collection on Monday, September 7, are to put their garbage out on the next regularly scheduled collection date which is Thursday, September 10. Public works schedules can be viewed on the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
September 4, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Roadway Improvements to Oak Creek Road between Dutch Neck Road and Hickory Corner Road and Segment of Maple Stream Road Continue. Concrete repairs to curbs, driveway aprons and handicap ramps will be completed on Friday, September 4. Milling and paving of the entire roadway is scheduled for the week ofTuesday, September 8, weather dependent. While there may be some minor delays or inconvenience during paving operations, Oak Creek Road will remain open at all times. The small Maple Stream Road segment will be closed for a few hours during paving. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
ALERT: Milling and Paving of Dorchester Drive in Area of the West Windsor Border Began on Tuesday, September 1, and will continue through week of Tuesday, September 8, weather permitting. During actual work hours of Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm, the roadway will be CLOSED to through traffic. Local access will be maintained for roadway homeowners. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions.
REMINDER: No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Monday, September 7, and All Township Offices Will Be Closed, due to the holiday. Residents of Area #1, who would normally have garbage collection on Monday, September 7, are to put their garbage out on the next regularly scheduled collection date which is Thursday, September 10. Public works schedules can be viewed on the Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us.
Brief Wreath-Laying Ceremony for Anniversary of 9/11 Will Be Held on Friday, September 11, 2015 at 5:15 pm to remember and honor the anniversary of September 11. The ceremony will take place at the existing 9/11 Memorial located on the grounds of the East Windsor Township Municipal Building, at 16 Lanning Boulevard. The public is welcome.
East Windsor Township Economic Development Committee and the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce Sponsor Joint Economic Development Forum and Networking Breakfast on Tuesday, September 29, from 7:30 am to 9:45 am, at the Americana Diner at 359 Route 130 in East Windsor. The program "Economic Growth and Development Opportunity in East Windsor" features a panel including Timothy Losch of Fulton Bank, Rick Zack of Advanced Realty, Doug Twyman of Collier's International, and Carolyn Sica of CBRE, Inc. Registration and networking begin at 7:30 am, followed by full breakfast, and the program begins by 8:30 am. All area businesses and interested persons are encouraged to attend. Register online atwww.princetonchamber.org, or call Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce at (609) 924-1776 for further information.
East Windsor Recreation Department Offers NHL Street Devils Hockey Programs to Be Held at Etra Lake Park.Registration is open for eight week Street Hockey Program, which begins September 19 for children in grades 1 through 8. Registration also is open for Roller Hockey Program which begins September 20 for children ages 5 and older. Visit
for more information and to register, or call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or email recreation@east-windsor.nj.us for information. -
East Windsor is Inviting Residents to Apply for Home Improvement Funds Pursuant to Small Cities Grant Application and Housing Trust Fund Rehabilitation Programs. Residents who are income eligible can receive up to $15,000 under these programs for needed improvement work such as roofs, foundations, heating and electrical systems, plumbing system components and weatherization. For further information, contact the Township's agent Community Grants Planning & Housing at (609) 664-2781 or by email at maryalice@cgph.net.
Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, September 26, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains and varnishes, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. Proof of Mercer County residency required. For further information, visit the Mercer County Improvement Authority website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
Calendar: East Windsor Township Recycling Day onSaturday, October 3, from 10 am to 2 pm at Township Senior Center.
Calendar: East Windsor and Mercer County Special Passport Day on Wednesday, October 7, from 10 am to 3 pm at Municipal Building.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
September 11, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: Brief Wreath-Laying Ceremony for Anniversary of 9/11 Will Be Held on Friday, September 11, 2015 at 5:15 pmto remember and honor the anniversary of September 11. The ceremony will take place at the existing 9/11 Memorial located on the grounds of the East Windsor Township Municipal Building, at 16 Lanning Boulevard. The public is welcome to attend.
ALERT: Roadway Improvements to Oak Creek Road Continue.Milling and paving of Oak Creek Road from Dutch Neck to south of Poplar Run, and segment of Maple Stream Road, are completed. Milling and paving of the remainder of Oak Creek Road south of Poplar Drive to Hickory Corner Road continues with completion targeted for Friday, September 11, weather dependent. There will be some minor delays and inconvenience and periodic closures of sections of the roadway during paving operations. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
ALERT: Milling and Paving of Dorchester Drive Continues through Week of Monday, September 14, weather permitting.The roadway in the area of the West Windsor border is complete and fully open. Milling and paving of Dorchester Drive between Dutch Neck Road and Hickory Corner Road continues with an anticipated completion date of Monday, September 14 or Tuesday, September 15, weather dependent. During actual work hours of Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm, the roadway will be CLOSED to through traffic. Local access will be maintained for roadway homeowners. Residents in work areas should take note of any posted parking restrictions.
Shiseido America Breaks Ground on Further Expansion of East Windsor Facility on Princeton Hightstown Road. The company has begun construction of expansion to 310,580 square feet, with the addition of approximately 45,000 square feet primarily for research and development as well as for office use, with some accessory areas. The project includes an interior addition of a 30,000 square foot mezzanine for office use, and conversion of some warehouse space to manufacturing space use. The expansion is to accommodate company growth and also incorporates relocation of Monroe Township Shiseido entity Davlyn Industries operations and employees to the East Windsor facility. Upon completion and full operation, the East Windsor facility, which currently employs approximately 150 full time employees and up to 150 temporary employees, could have double the number of employees. Shiseido America is a subsidiary of the Japanese-based corporation Shiseido Company LTD, which is ranked the third largest cosmetics company in the world and develops upscale cosmetics, sun care products, fragrances and professional salon hair care products. The Shiseido America East Windsor site, opened in 1998, will be Shiseido's major production site for the NARS, Bare Escentuals, and Shiseido brands in the North American region.
Shiseido America Breaks Ground on New Expansion to East Windsor facility. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Peter Yeager; Ladislav Hanzes, Plant Manager; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member Hector Duke; Hiroto Morozumi, Senior Vice President of Quality, and Katsunori Yoshida, Executive Vice President, Shiseido Research Center. -
East Windsor Will Participate in "Operation Medicine Cabinet" on Saturday, September 26 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building at 80 One Mile Road for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.
East Windsor Offers Free Flu Clinics on Wednesday, October 14 and Thursday, October 22 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard), for all residents 60 and older. The vaccinations are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, call the Township Health Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 222. Anyone in need of transportation should call the Township Senior Center at (609) 371-7192.
East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day onSaturday, October 3 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offsare permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. The East Windsor/Hightstown Lions Club will be collecting used eye glasses. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
East Windsor and Mercer County Have Scheduled a Special Passport Day on Wednesday, October 7, from 3 pm to 7 pm at the Municipal Building, at 16 Lanning Boulevard. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day, at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States Passport applications locally for residents.Residents are encouraged to reserve an appointment by calling (609) 989-6465. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of US citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate; a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. The cost of the passport is $110 for adults and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25 (separate checks). Passport photos will be available for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted; no cash or credit cards. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.
East Windsor Township Awarded $ 9,201.71 Grant for Purchase of Police Body Armor under the United States Department of Justice 2015 Bulletproof Vest Partnership. These funds are used to supplement Township expenditures for the periodic replacement of body armor issued to and used by members of the Township police department.
Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, September 26, from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains and varnishes, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. Proof of Mercer County residency required. For further information, visit the Mercer County Improvement Authority website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 246 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
East Windsor is Inviting Residents to Apply for Home Improvement Funds Pursuant to Small Cities Grant Application and Housing Trust Fund Rehabilitation Programs. Residents who are income eligible can receive up to $15,000 under these programs for needed improvement work such as roofs, foundations, heating and electrical systems, plumbing system components and weatherization. For further information, contact the Township's agent Community Grants Planning & Housing at (609) 664-2781 or by email at maryalice@cgph.net.
East Windsor Is Seeking Nominations for the 2015 Township Business Awards Program. The purpose of the program is to recognize local businesses that make special efforts to improve or contribute to the community. The three categories of Township award recognition are: (1) Business Beautification - creating an attractive appearance, for example, through landscaping, flowers, and other enhancements to their structures and site; (2) Community Service - providing for community contributions and service, and (3) Community Enhancement - providing some manner of community enhancement, for example, through extraordinary job creation, an unusual or special product or opportunity or any community value added aspect related to their business. Green and sustainable practices, for example, green products, energy conservation, reduction of waste and energy consumption are encouraged and will be given more weight. Nomination forms are available at the Municipal Building and on-line at the Township website at (CLICK HERE). The deadline for nominations is September 16.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
September 18, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Roadway Improvements to Dorchester Drive between Dutch Neck Road and the West Windsor Township Border Are Complete.
Roadway Improvements to Oak Creek Road between Dutch Neck Road and Hickory Corner Road and Segment of Maple Stream Road Are Complete.
East Windsor Township Remembers 9/11. East Windsor remembers Township residents Colleen Barkow, Lorraine Bay, Debbie Bellows, Anil Bharvaney, Neil Lai and Ruth Lapin, and Joseph Pycior and All Others Lost on September 11, 2001.
Photo by Amy Batista East Windsor Fire Company and Rescue Squad Volunteers joined elected officials and citizens at the municipal 9/11 memorial. Pictured laying a wreath at the municipal 9/11 memorial (from left to right) are: East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 Chief James McCann; East Windsor Township E.M.S. #2Deputy Chief Arlen Forst; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 President Ben Thornton; and East Windsor Rescue Squad, District I Chief Scott Prykanowski.
The Galleria at Twin Rivers Is Under Construction between Route 33 and Abbington Drive at their Intersection with Twin Rivers Drive. The Galleria, on a 3.135 acre property, is a 24,575 square foot mixed use commercial development accented by a glassed atrium.
East Windsor Will Participate in "Operation Medicine Cabinet" on Saturday, September 26 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building at 80 One Mile Road for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.
East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day onSaturday, October 3 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offsare permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. The East Windsor/Hightstown Lions Club will be collecting used eye glasses. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
East Windsor and Mercer County Have Scheduled a Special Passport Day on Wednesday, October 7 from 3 pm to 7 pm at the Municipal Building, located at 16 Lanning Boulevard. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day, at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States Passport applications locally for residents. Residents are encouraged to reserve an appointment by calling (609) 989-6465. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of US citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate; a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. The cost of the passport is $110 for adults and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25 (separate checks). Passport photos will be available for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted; no cash or credit cards. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.
East Windsor Township Economic Development Committee and the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce Sponsor Joint Economic Development Forum and Networking Breakfast on Tuesday, September 29, from 7:30 am to 9:45 am, at the Americana Diner at 359 Route 130 in East Windsor. The program "Economic Growth and Development Opportunity in East Windsor" features a panel including Timothy Losch of Fulton Bank, Rick Zack of Advanced Realty, Doug Twyman of Collier's International, and Carolyn Sica of CBRE, Inc. Registration and networking begin at 7:30 am, followed by full breakfast, and the program begins by 8:30 am. All area businesses and interested persons are encouraged to attend. Register online atwww.princetonchamber.org, or call Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce at (609) 924-1776 for further information.
East Windsor Offers Free Flu Clinics on Wednesday, October 14 and Thursday, October 22 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard), for all residents 60 and older. The vaccinations are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, call the Township Health Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 222. Anyone in need of transportation should call the Township Senior Center at (609) 371-7192.
Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, September 26 from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. Residents can dispose of aerosol cans, used motor oil, propane gas tanks, pesticides, herbicides, car batteries, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains and varnishes, gasoline, anti-freeze, driveway sealer, insect repellents, and fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs. Used electronic equipment including computers, printers, copiers, fax machines, stereos, televisions and microwaves will be accepted. Proof of Mercer County residency required. For further information, visit the Mercer County Improvement Authority website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 246 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to See "On Your Feet" at Marquis Theater in New York City, on Wednesday, October 28. Both well-known tunes and new music penned by Gloria and Emilio Estafan will be used to tell a story inspired by their life and musical legacy. Their hits include The Rhythm is Gonna Get You, Conga, Words Get in the Way, 1,2,3, and the Oscar nominated Music of My Heart. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 10:00 am and return at approximately 7:00 pm, and the performance is 2:00 pm. The cost is $91.00 and includes mezzanine seating. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Duke Farms in Hillsborough, New Jersey, on Thursday, October 1. Duke Farms, located on 2,740 acres and one of the largest privately owned parcels of undeveloped land in the state, is rich in ecological, horticultural and agricultural resources. The trip includes a guided tour and time to see the Orchid Range, Great Falls, Hay Barn, the Old Foundation, and more. A boxed lunch will be served in the Farm Barn Cafe. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 9:00 am and return at approximately 4:00 pm. The cost is $15.00 plus 50 cents for transportation. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
East Windsor Municipal Green Team Files with Sustainable Jersey for Silver Level Certification. East Windsor Township already has been certified and re-certified for Bronze Levelachievement. Sustainable Jersey is a certification program available to municipalities in New Jersey that want to "go green", save money, and take steps to sustain long term environmental quality for their community. This next level certification would further recognize the Township's broad efforts in recycling, environmental resource protection, energy conservation, sustainable land use practices and enable East Windsor Township to be eligible for future grants and funding opportunities. The municipal East Windsor Green Team members include: Chairperson Ronald Balint, Bill Askenstedt, Richard Brand, Patrick Condon, John Donnelly, Gary Fournier, Edward Kelley, Lenox Ng, Student Members Virpartap Grewal, Rithesh Neelamagam, Jay Vaingankar, and Council Members Peter Yeager and John Zoller, and Mayor Janice Mironov.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
September 25, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: East Windsor Will Participate in "Operation Medicine Cabinet" on Saturday, September 26 from 10 am to 2 pm, a program offering residents the opportunity to dispose of all unused, unwanted and expired prescription medications in a safe manner. The Township will have a drop box in the lobby of the police/court building at 80 One Mile Road for the collection of these various medications. Collected medications will be turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on the next business day for final disposal. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.
REMINDER: Mercer County Hazardous Waste Collection and Electronics Recycling Event Will Be Held on Saturday, September 26 from 8 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the John T. Dempster Fire School, located on Bakers Basin/Lawrence Station Road in Lawrence Township. For further information, visit the Mercer County Improvement Authority website at www.mcianj.org or call (609) 278-8086.
East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day onSaturday, October 3 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offsare permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. The East Windsor/Hightstown Lions Club will be collecting used eye glasses. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
East Windsor and Mercer County Have Scheduled a Special Passport Day on Wednesday, October 7 from 3 pm to 7 pm at the Municipal Building, located at 16 Lanning Boulevard. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day, at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States Passport applications locally for residents. Residents are encouraged to reserve an appointment by calling (609) 989-6465. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of US citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate; a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. The cost of the passport is $110 for adults and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25 (separate checks). Passport photos will be available for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted; no cash or credit cards. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.
East Windsor Township Economic Development Committee and the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce Sponsor Joint Economic Development Forum and Networking Breakfast on Tuesday, September 29, from 7:30 am to 9:45 am, at the Americana Diner at 359 Route 130 in East Windsor. The program "Economic Growth and Development Opportunity in East Windsor" features a panel including Timothy Losch of Fulton Bank, Rick Zack of Advanced Realty, Doug Twyman of Collier's International, and Carolyn Sica of CBRE, Inc. Registration and networking begin at 7:30 am, followed by full breakfast, and the program begins by 8:30 am. All area businesses and interested persons are encouraged to attend. Register online atwww.princetonchamber.org, or call Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce at (609) 924-1776 for further information.
Last Day to Register to Vote in the November 3 General Election is Tuesday, October 13. For individuals who wish to Vote by Mail, the deadline to apply is Tuesday, October 27 by mail and Monday, November 2 by 3 pm in person. Registration forms and vote by mail application forms can be obtained online at www.njelections.org. Questions can be directed to the municipal clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
East Windsor Offers Free Flu Clinics on Wednesday, October 14 and Thursday, October 22 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard), for all residents 60 and older. The vaccinations are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, call the Township Health Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 222. Anyone in need of transportation should call the Township Senior Center at (609) 371-7192.
High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 246 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
CALENDAR: East Windsor Holds Free Rabies Clinics for dog and cat owners on Saturday, November 7 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 at 51 One Mile Road and onSaturday, November 14 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
October 2, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: RAIN OR SHINE East Windsor Township Will Hold Recycling Day on Saturday, October 3 from 10 am to 2 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. Residents also will be able to drop-off electronics, computers, computer equipment and televisions, as well as cell phones, fluorescent bulbs and toner cartridges. The East Windsor/Hightstown Lions Club will be collecting used eye glasses. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, useable furniture, and housewares. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215.
REMINDER: East Windsor and Mercer County Have Scheduled a Special Passport Day on Wednesday, October 7 from 3 pm to 7 pm at the Municipal Building, located at 16 Lanning Boulevard. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami-Covello are sponsoring this special Passport Day, at which the Mercer County Clerk's Office will process United States Passport applications locally for residents. Residents are encouraged to reserve an appointment by calling (609) 989-6465. To apply, residents will need: (1) proof of US citizenship in the form of a state certified birth certificate; a U.S. naturalization certificate or a previous U.S. passport, and (2) proof of identity in the form of a current driver's license or state issued identification card. The cost of the passport is $110 for adults and $80 for minors, plus a processing fee of $25 (separate checks). Passport photos will be available for $15 or $10 for senior citizens. Only checks or money orders will be accepted; no cash or credit cards. For further information on requirements and documents needed to obtain a passport, visit www.mercercounty.org and click on County Clerk, or call (609) 989-6473.
Hovione Will Be Undertaking Major Expansion of East Windsor Facility on Lake Drive, in vicinity of NJ Turnpike Exit 8. Hovione, a Portugal-based pharmaceutical company, will more than double the local company size and number of employees, adding an additional 30,600 square feet to the existing 24,000 square foot facility. The expansion is expected to add approximately 60 new jobs to the current workforce of approximately fifty. This investment is part of the company's strategy to increase its global development and commercial capacity to meet the increasing demands of Hovione's customers. The official ground breaking should occur in the first quarter of 2016 and the doubling of capacity is expected to be fully operational in early 2017. Hovione represents for East Windsor another high-tech, high growth pharmaceutical-related company in keeping with the Township'sEinstein's Alley designation and vision.
Last Day to Register to Vote in the November 3 General Election is Tuesday, October 13. For individuals who wish to Vote by Mail, the deadline to apply is Tuesday, October 27 by mail and Monday, November 2 by 3 pm in person. Registration forms and vote by mail application forms can be obtained online at www.njelections.org. Questions can be directed to the municipal clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
East Windsor Township Economic Development Committee and Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce Held Joint Forum on September 29: "Economic Growth and Development Opportunity in East Windsor" featuring a panel including Timothy Losch of Fulton Bank, Rick Zack of Advanced Realty, Doug Twyman of Collier's International, and Carolyn Sica of CBRE, Inc.
East Windsor Economic Development Forum Held at Americana Diner. Pictured (from left to right): Doug Twyman of Collier's International; Rick Zack of Advanced Realty; Carolyn Sica of CBRE, Inc; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Timothy Losch, Fulton Bank, and Peter Crowley, President of Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce. -
East Windsor Offers Free Flu Clinics on Wednesday, October 14 and Thursday, October 22 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard), for all residents 60 and older. The vaccinations are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, call the Township Health Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 222. Anyone in need of transportation should call the Township Senior Center at (609) 371-7192.
ALERT: Voluntary Drought Watch Tips for Residents to Conserve Water. NJ Department of Environmental Protection last week issued a drought watch for New Jersey's Northeast, Central, and
Coastal North water supply regions, which includes Mercer County, urging residents in the affected areas to voluntarily conserve water and for the rest of the state to practice wise water use due to continued dry weather and above-average temperatures. The drought watch is prompted by continued rainfall deficits that have decreased reservoir, ground water and stream-flow levels in the three regions. Some suggested water conservation tips include:
Do not over-water lawns and landscaping. Two times per week for 30 minutes in morning or late evening typically is sufficient. Use a hose with a hand-held nozzle to water flowers and shrubs.
Avoid watering lawns and plants during the heat of the day, as this promotes evaporation and water waste.
Use a broom to sweep the sidewalk, rather than a hose.
To save water at home, fix leaky faucets and pipes.
Turn off the faucet while brushing teeth and shaving.
Run washing machines and dishwashers only when full.
Oath of Office Administered to New Police Officer Ivis Molina,who fills a police vacancy. Officer Molina, who has been assigned to the Uniform Services Division, graduated from the Mercer County Police Academy in 2015, graduated from Hudson County School of Technology in 2002, and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from St. Peter's University in 2014. She is a sergeant in the United States Marine Corps Reserves, and served on active duty from 2008 to 2012.
East Windsor "Operation Medicine Cabinet" on Saturday, September 26 Collected 109 Pounds of unused and expired prescription medications, which were turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration. "Operation Medicine Cabinet" provides a secure and legal means to dispose of these prescription medications in an environmentally responsible manner and reduces possible access by unauthorized persons and young people to these drugs.
High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 246 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
Deadline for Applications for "The Property Tax Freeze" for Seniors Extended to October 15, 2015. Homeowners who were 65 or older or 100% disabled in 2013 and received Federal Social Security Disability benefits may be eligible for this program that establishes a base year for property taxes and reimburses the homeowner for any increase in the future tax years. To qualify, a senior must live in New Jersey continuously for at least 10 years, owned or lived in his/her home or mobile home for at least the last 3 years, paid the full amount of property taxes or site fees due for the base year and each succeeding year for which the reimbursement is claimed, and had gross income for 2013 of $84,289 or less and for 2014 of $85,553 or less. To learn more about this program, contact the Township Tax Collector Anne Blake at (609) 443-4000, ext. 230.
CALENDAR: East Windsor Holds Free Rabies Clinics for dog and cat owners on Saturday, November 7 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 at 51 One Mile Road and onSaturday, November 14 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
October 9, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Last Day to Register to Vote in the Tuesday, November 3 General Election is Tuesday, October 13. For individuals who wish to Vote by Mail, the deadline to apply is Tuesday, October 27 by mail and Monday, November 2 by 3 pm in person. Registration forms and vote by mail application forms can be obtained online atwww.njelections.org. Questions can be directed to the municipal clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Medi-Mart Opens New and Larger Store in East Windsor Town Center, next to Party Fair, at 370 Route 130 southbound just north of Route 571. Medi-Mart is a family healthcare and medical supply store with over 20 years' experience in the industry. They carry everything from bathroom safety equipment, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, rollators, supports and braces for every body part, blood pressure monitors, diabetic supplies, compression stockings, wound care products, modular ramps, scooters, seat lift chairs and first aid supplies, just to name a few of the major medical categories. Current store hours are Monday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm, and Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm. For further information, visit their website at www.medi-mart.org.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, joined by Council Members and store owners/operators, cuts ribbon for new expanded relocated Medi-Mart. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member John Zoller; Bill Chaudhry, partner; Mayor Janice Mironov; Win Mar Tun, owner, and Council Member Peter Yeager. -
East Windsor Offers Free Flu Clinics on Wednesday, October 14 and Thursday, October 22 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard), for all residents 60 and older. The vaccinations are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, call the Township Health Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 222. Anyone in need of transportation should call the Township Senior Center at (609) 371-7192.
High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 246 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
Deadline for Applications for "The Property Tax Freeze" for Seniors Extended to October 15, 2015. Homeowners who were 65 or older or 100% disabled in 2013 and received Federal Social Security Disability benefits may be eligible for this program that establishes a base year for property taxes and reimburses the homeowner for any increase in the future tax years. To qualify, a senior must live in New Jersey continuously for at least 10 years, owned or lived in his/her home or mobile home for at least the last 3 years, paid the full amount of property taxes or site fees due for the base year and each succeeding year for which the reimbursement is claimed, and had gross income for 2013 of $84,289 or less and for 2014 of $85,553 or less. To learn more about this program, contact the Township Tax Collector Anne Blake at (609) 443-4000, ext. 230.
East Windsor Township Economic Development Committee and Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce Held Joint Economic Development Forum at Americana on September 29: "Economic Growth and Development Opportunity in East Windsor" featuring a panel including Timothy Losch of Fulton Bank, Rick Zack of Advanced Realty, Doug Twyman of Collier's International, and Carolyn Sica of CBRE, Inc. CLICK HERE to see panel presentation.
Officials Participate in Literacy Readathon at Hickory Corner Branch Library in East Windsor. The event, held to celebrate September as Adult Literacy Awareness Month in Mercer County, was sponsored by Literacy New Jersey, Mercer County Programs, an area non-profit dedicated to improving the literacy skills of individuals aged 18 and older. Literacy NJ recruits, trains and supports a network of tutors who provide instruction to Mercer County residents. For further information, call (609) 587-6027.
Pictured at the Hickory Corner Branch Library (from left to right) are: Ken Fredericks, LNJMCP tutor and Readathon coordinator; Senator Linda Greenstein; Sharon Galbraith Ryer, Hickory Corner Library, Branch Manager; Mayor Janice Mironov, and Victoria Golden, Program Director, Literacy New Jersey, Mercer County Programs. -
East Windsor Holds Free Rabies Clinics for dog and cat owners onSaturday, November 7 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 at 51 One Mile Road and on Saturday, November 14 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. Owners will be required to show a certificate of previous rabies vaccination; otherwise vaccinations of one year duration only will be provided. For safety, all animals must be properly restrained by leash or carried. For more information, contact the Animal Control Officer at (609) 448-5678, ext. 229 or visitwww.east-windsor.nj.us (click on Animal Control under Public Safety).
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
October 16, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Construction Scheduled to Occur on Old Trenton Road Between Windsor Center Drive and Dorchester Drive Beginning Wednesday, October 21 and Lasting Approximately Two Weeks, weather permitting. Old Trenton Road between Village Road East and Princeton-Hightstown Road will be closed to through traffic for two consecutive nights during work hours of 7 pm to 6 am, currently projected as October 21 and 22. Motorist should follow signed detour routes. There will be no access to Old Trenton Road from Dorchester Drive during the nighttime closures. All remaining work will take place during work hours of 9 am to 3:30pm, and the roadway will remain fully open.
Deadline to Apply to Vote by Mail in the Tuesday November 3 Election is Tuesday, October 27 by mail and Monday, November 2 by 3 pm in person. Registration forms and vote by mail application forms can be obtained online at www.njelections.org. Questions can be directed to the municipal clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
East Windsor Honors Firefighters of the Year Josh Matorin of East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 and Michael Crismali of East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 for their volunteer fire service dedication during "Fire Prevention Week."Josh Matorin joined East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 in 2005, currently serves as Assistant Chief and a Trustee, and has served as Engineer, Lieutenant and Captain. He is active on the Fire Prevention Committee visiting local schools and daycare centers, as well as the Company Membership Committee, Safer Grant Committee, By-Laws Committee, and Insurance Committee. Josh Matorin, who was also honored as the 2009 Firefighter of the Year, has responded to over 514 fire calls. Michael Crismali joined East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 as a probationary firefighter in December 2009 and graduated from the Monmouth County Fire Academy in 2011. He has held several important positions in the Fire Company, serving as Engineer since 2014 and as Treasurer since January 2013. Michael Crismali has always been a top responder and responded to over 197 fire calls in 2014 as well as attending numerous training drills, community events and prevention activities. Thank you to all of our great Fire Company Volunteers!
Mayor Janice S. Mironov honors East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 Firefighter of the Year Josh Matorin. Pictured (from left to right) are: Jack Israel, President, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1; Gerald Laughlin, Captain and Past President, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Josh Matorin, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 Fire Fighter of the Year, and James McCann, Chief, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov honors East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 Firefighter of the Year Michael Crismali. Pictured (from left to right) are: Ben Thornton, President, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Michael Crismali, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 Fire Fighter of the Year; Eric Coran, Former Chief, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2, and Stephen Genthe, Chief, East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2. -
East Windsor Offers Second Free Flu Clinic on Thursday, October 22 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Township Senior Center(40 Lanning Boulevard), for all residents 60 and older. The vaccinations are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, call the Township Health Department at (609) 443-4000, ext. 222. Anyone in need of transportation should call the Township Senior Center at (609) 371-7192.
High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 246 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 Holds Free Open House and Halloween Party on Saturday, October 24, from 11 am to 3 pm (Rain or Shine), at the fire station at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. The event will include fire truck rides, hayrides, meet Sparky the fire dog, arts and crafts, hot dogs and Halloween snacks, games, D.J. and dancing. Residents interested in joining the Fire Company are encouraged to attend and obtain information. For further information, visit www.ewvfc2.org or call (609) 443-5130.
East Windsor Holds Free Rabies Clinics for dog and cat owners onSaturday, November 7 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 at 51 One Mile Road and on Saturday, November 14 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. Owners will be required to show a certificate of previous rabies vaccination; otherwise vaccinations of one year duration only will be provided. For safety, all animals must be properly restrained by leash or carried. For more information, contact the Animal Control Officer at (609) 448-5678, ext. 229 or visitwww.east-windsor.nj.us (click on Animal Control under Public Safety).
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Township Council, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to "Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum" in New York City on Tuesday, November 10. The Guggenheim Museum is as famous for its landmark building, Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece of modern architecture, as it is for its impressive collection of 20th century fine art, which includes works by Chagall, Degas, Picasso and Van Gogh, as well as the largest collection of Kandinsky in the United States. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 8:00 am and return at approximately 4:30 pm. The cost which includes admission and guided tour is $42.00, and lunch is on your own in Museum cafe. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Yuletide at Winterthur in Wilmington, Delaware, on Monday, November 30. A guided tour of Winterthur, the 19th century 175-room boyhood home of horticulturist Henry du Pont, will highlight the wintertime displays, breathtakingly decorated trees, colorfully dressed rooms and exquisite faux food and place settings. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 8:00 am and return at approximately 4:30 pm. The cost is $35.00, and lunch on your own in their cafeteria. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
October 23, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
Deadline to Apply to Vote by Mail in the Tuesday, November 3 Election is Tuesday, October 27 by mail and Monday, November 2 by 3 pm in person. Registration forms and vote by mail application forms can be obtained online at www.njelections.org. Questions can be directed to the municipal clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov Proclaims October "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" and Recognizes Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team, joined by Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart and Chief of Police Harry Marshall. The Mayoral Proclamation reads, "The East Windsor Domestic Violence Victims Response Team and Womanspace have provided a coordinated community response that has served hundreds of local residents during its years of operation, and has improved many lives in our community by advocating the importance of victim safety as well as accountability for abusers. The continued commitment to human service by East Windsor Township through its Domestic Violence Victim Response Team and Womanspace visibly demonstrates to our residents and surrounding municipalities that domestic violence is unacceptable and contrary to the welfare of the entire community." Womanspace is the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life to women and their families.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims Domestic Violence Awareness Month and recognizes Womanspace and the Domestic Violence Victim Response Team. Pictured (from left to right) are: Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Volunteers Holly Bushnell, Samir Dhindhwal, Lisseth Weeks, and Anne Ciemnecki; East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart; Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Volunteers Rita Teubner and Betty Winkler; and Chief of Police Harry Marshall. -
East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 Holds Free Open House and Halloween Party on Saturday, October 24, from 11 am to 3 pm (Rain or Shine), at the fire station at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. The event will include fire truck rides, hayrides, meet Sparky the fire dog, arts and crafts, hot dogs and Halloween snacks, games, D.J. and dancing. Residents interested in joining the Fire Company are encouraged to attend and obtain information. For further information, visit www.ewvfc2.org or call (609) 443-5130.
East Windsor Township Awarded Green Communities Grant by the New Jersey State Forestry Services of the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. The $3,000 grant was awarded to East Windsor as a municipality which has established and is continuing work on a comprehensive Community Forestry Management Plan.
Francis E. Parker Memorial Home Was Recognized for Their Generous Donation of Replacement of All Computers and Monitors in the Township Senior Center. Parker Home donated ten new computers, monitors and accompanying software programs to replace outdated equipment in the Township Senior Center computer room. In 2014, Parker Home purchased 56 acres at Monmouth Street and Wyckoff Mills Road for future construction of a senior continuing care facility in East Windsor. The Francis E. Parker Memorial Home offers a wide variety of long term care services including skilled nursing, memory care and assisted living residences, as well as adult day services and health and wellness community services for seniors in Central New Jersey. Founded in 1907 by Henrietta Parker, Parker Home is based on the belief that seniors should be able to live in a home-like environment with the ultimate in personalized, affordable high-quality long term care services.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov presents plaque to Francis Parker Memorial Home executives recognizing their generous donation and support. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice Mironov; Roberto Muniz, President and Chief Executive Officer, Francis E. Parker Memorial Homes; and Rick Mallia, Senior Director of Support Services, Francis E. Parker Memorial Homes. -
East Windsor Holds Free Rabies Clinics for dog and cat owners onSaturday, November 7 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 at 51 One Mile Road and on Saturday, November 14 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. Owners will be required to show a certificate of previous rabies vaccination; otherwise vaccinations of one year duration only will be provided. For safety, all animals must be properly restrained by leash or carried. For more information, contact the Animal Control Officer at (609) 448-5678, ext. 229 or visitwww.east-windsor.nj.us (click on Animal Control under Public Safety).
High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 246 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Township Council, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
October 30, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: ELECTION DAY IS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, andpolls are open from 6 am to 8 pm. For questions about voting or polling place, call the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Planet Pizza & Wings Opens in Dutch Neck Commons Centernext to Triangle Printing, just west of Route 130. Labelling itself theHouse of Tomato Pie, Buffalo Wings & Chicken Tenders, the menu offers a wide range of these items and other selections, such as strombolis, calzones, sandwiches, and salads. The new eating establishment offers dine-in, take-out and catering. Current hours of operation are Monday through Saturday, 11 am to 10 pm, and Sunday, 12 noon to 9 pm. For further information, visitwww.planetpizzaandwings.com.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov cuts the ribbon for the grand opening of Planet Pizza & Wings in the Dutch Neck Commons Center. Pictured (from left to right) are: Tony Elhossieni, owner; Council Member Perry Shapiro; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Anneka Rampersad, owner; Council Member Peter Yeager, and Council Member John Zoller. -
Aurobindo Pharma USA Receives Planning Board Approval to Construct 567,000 Square Foot Pharmaceutical Warehouse, Manufacturing, Distribution Center, on Windsor Center Drive, across from Route 133 and near the 43,000 square foot Patscentre building, occupied by another pharmaceutical company. The new facility will generate significant new tax dollars and 400 to 500 new jobsat the East Windsor location, when fully operational. Aurobindo Pharma USA is a generic pharmaceutical manufacturer and distributor and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aurobindo Pharma Limited, a leading generic pharmaceutical company based in India. The project is to expand Aurobindo's New Jersey footprint for manufacturing and warehousing and is complementary to the company's existing facilities. Headquartered in HITEC City, Hyderabad, India, founded in 1986 and becoming a public company in 1992, Aurobindo has business operations in over 125 countries around the world.
East Windsor Township Awarded Silver Level Certificationfrom Sustainable Jersey. East Windsor, which already has been certified and re-certified for Bronze Level achievement, was approved for Silver Level Sustainable Jersey Certification with 34 actions in 14 categories for a total of 355 points. East Windsor earned silver certification action points for many Township initiated programs and actions undertaken by Mayor Mironov and Council Members, including creation of a farmland preservation plan, development of an open space plan, inventory and upgrade of municipal buildings for energy efficiency, community recycling/paper shredding events, business recognition programs, "Cut it and Leave it" program, Backyard Composting program, tree protection ordinance, environmental assessment ordinance, sustainable land use commitment, green building policy and community outreach programs. Sustainable Jersey is a certification program available to municipalities in New Jersey that want to "go green", save money, and take steps to sustain long term environmental quality for their community. This Silver Level Certification further recognizes the Township's broad efforts in recycling, environmental resource protection, energy conservation, sustainable land use practices and enables East Windsor Township to be eligible for future grants and funding opportunities. The municipal East Windsor Green Teammembers include: Chairperson Ronald Balint, Bill Askenstedt, Richard Brand, Patrick Condon, John Donnelly, Gary Fournier, Edward Kelley, Lenox Ng, Student Members Virpartap Grewal, Rithesh Neelamagam, Jay Vaingankar, and Council Members Peter Yeager and John Zoller, and Mayor Janice Mironov. Launched in 2009, Sustainable Jersey is a 100% voluntary certification program for municipalities in New Jersey.
Prior photo shows East Windsor Green Team receiving bronze plaque from Sustainable Jersey for renewed status as a "bronze certified" municipality. Pictured (from left to right) are: Rithesh Neelamagam; Gary Fournier; Lenox Ng; John Donnelly; Ed Kelley; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Chairperson Ronald Balint; Council Member Peter Yeager; Jay Vaingankar; Richard Brand, and Council Member John Zoller. -
Lightbridge Academy Begins Construction on New Child Care Center at Southeast Corner of Route 130 and Old Cranbury Road. Construction of the 9,934 square foot facility is projected to be completed mid-2016. Established in 1997, Lightbridge Academy provides early education and child care to children ages six weeks through kindergarten, as well as special programming for children up to 10 years old during school holidays, breaks and summer camp. The company franchised in 2011 in an effort to expand their distinctive concept throughout the Northeast, and currently has over 70 child care centers either open or in development throughout Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. For further information, visit www.LightbridgeAcademy.com.
East Windsor Township Awarded $13,406.25 in Federal and State Grants for Purchase of Police Body Armor. The grants are $9,201.71 from the United States Department of Justice 2015 Bulletproof Vest Partnership and $4,204.54 from New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice 2015 State Body Armor Replacement Fund Program. These funds are used to supplement Township expenditures for the periodic replacement of body armor issued to and used by members of the Township police department.
East Windsor Holds Free Rabies Clinics for dog and cat owners onSaturday, November 7 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 at 51 One Mile Road and on Saturday, November 14 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. Owners will be required to show a certificate of previous rabies vaccination; otherwise vaccinations of one year duration only will be provided. For safety, all animals must be properly restrained by leash or carried. For more information, contact the Animal Control Officer at (609) 448-5678, ext. 229 or visitwww.east-windsor.nj.us (click on Animal Control under Public Safety).
Township Recreation Department Offers Fall Trips to Jersey Shore Arena on Friday, November 13 and to Dave & Buster's and the Franklin Mills Mall on Saturday, December 5. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or emailrecreation@east-windsor.nj.us, or visit the Township website atwww.east-windsor.nj.us (OR CLICK HERE). Registration is online, on a first come first serve basis, at:https://register.communitypass.net/EastWindsor.
High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 246 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Township Council, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
November 6, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Township Incumbents Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Deputy Mayor Marc Lippman, Council Member Peter Yeager and Council Member John Zoller Re-Elected by voters in November 3 General Election. November 3 General Election Results are available on the Mercer County Clerk website (CLICK HERE).
ALERT: Mercer County to Reconstruct Maxwell Avenue Bridge over Timber Run between East Ward Street and Route 33 (Franklin Street) in Hightstown Borough Commencing on or about Monday, November 9, and continuing for approximately 45 calendar days. Maxwell Avenue will be closed to all traffic on a 24/7 basis throughout the project duration. Motorists should follow signed detours. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm, and Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm.
REMINDER: East Windsor Holds Free Rabies Clinics for dog and cat owners on Saturday, November 7 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 at 51 One Mile Road and onSaturday, November 14 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. Owners will be required to show a certificate of previous rabies vaccination; otherwise vaccinations of one year duration only will be provided. For safety, all animals must be properly restrained by leash or carried. For more information, contact the Animal Control Officer at (609) 448-5678, ext. 229 or visit www.east-windsor.nj.us (click on Animal Control under Public Safety).
Deadline for Applications for 2013 "NJ Homestead (Rebate) Benefit" Extended to December 31, 2015. New Jersey residents who owned or occupied a home as of October 1, 2013 and meet the income qualifications may be eligible for this program. Applications can be filed on-line or by phone, 24 hours/7 days a week. To file applications on-line, go to www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/. To file application by phone, call 1-877-685-2972. For further information, call 1-888-238-1233, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm, or go towww.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/homestead/geninf.shtml, or email tonj.taxation@treas.state.nj.us.
Township Recreation Department Offers Aquatopia Indoor Waterpark and Snow Tubing Trip to Camelback Lodge in Tannersville, Pennsylvania on Friday, January 29 through January 31, 2016. The bus will leave from the municipal building on Friday, January 29 at 4:30 pm and return on Sunday, January 31 at approximately 6:00 pm. The $375 fee includes coach bus transportation, two night stay at Camelback Lodge in a double queen suite, two days of three hour snow tubing, unlimited use of the indoor water park, and daily breakfast, lunch and dinner during the stay. Registration is online, on a first come first serve basis, at: https://register.communitypass.net/EastWindsor. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or email recreation@east-windsor.nj.us.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
High School Students Invited to Serve as Student Members of East Windsor Township Boards and Commissions. The boards and commissions included in the program are Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Committee and Recreation Commission, as well as the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. High school students who wish to be considered should submit a letter indicating their area of interest and reasons or related background, by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303 or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of the Township Council, East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520.
ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Volunteer Opportunity in Television Broadcasting Available. If you are interested in broadcasting and would like hands-on training on a live, local television program, opportunities are available to work with the award winning "Spotlight East Windsor" program, one hour every other Wednesday night, at the East Windsor Municipal Building. Volunteers will learn camera techniques, audio, lighting, video switching, videotape operation and much more. Those interested should contact the Municipal Clerk's office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 246 and leave your name and contact information. For technical information, contact Dick Cunningham at (609) 443-1199.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
November 13, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Mercer County Reconstructing Maxwell Avenue Bridge over Timber Run between East Ward Street and Route 33 (Franklin Street) in Hightstown Borough. The work commenced on Monday, November 9, and is expected to continue for approximately 45 calendar days. Maxwell Avenue will be closed to all traffic on a 24/7 basis throughout the project duration.Motorists should follow signed detours. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm, and Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm.
REMINDER: East Windsor Holds Free Rabies Clinics for dog and cat owners on Saturday, November 14 from 1 pm to 3 pm at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. Owners will be required to show a certificate of previous rabies vaccination; otherwise vaccinations of one year duration only will be provided. For safety, all animals must be properly restrained by leash or carried. For more information, contact the Animal Control Officer at (609) 448-5678, ext. 229 or visit www.east-windsor.nj.us (click on Animal Control under Public Safety).
East Windsor Kicks-Off Participation in Womanspace"Communities of Light" Scheduled for Monday, December 7,to raise funds for domestic violence victim service provider Womanspace and raise public awareness about the important subject of domestic violence and available victim resources. Residents can participate with local elected officials and Township police on Monday, December 7 at 5 pm to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by refreshments. Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits for $10 each at any time at East Windsor Police/Municipal Court Building, 80 One Mile Road and bringing luminary kits to the event. All proceeds will go directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaims and kicks off East Windsor participation in Womanspace "Communities of Light" on December 7 with a private check donation to Womanspace. Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart; Womanspace Director of Outreach Susan Adams; Domestic Violence Victim Response Team Charter Member Rita Teubner, and Chief of Police Harry Marshall. -
Mercer County Improvement Authority Holds Electronics Waste Collection/Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, November 21 from 9 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the Sun National Bank Center - Lot 1, at 80 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton (intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Route 129). Accepted electronic items include televisions, VCRs, computers and monitors, laptops, keyboards, circuit boards, printers, copiers, fax machines, scanners, phones, camera equipment, microwaves, and stereo equipment. For further information, visit the MCIA website at http://www.mcia-nj.com or call (609) 278-8086.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Township Recreation Department Offers Trip to New York Red Bulls vs. Columbus Crew Soccer Game on Sunday, November 29, at 5 pm or 7 pm (TBA) at the NY Red Bulls Stadium in Harrison, New Jersey. The bus will leave from the municipal building. The $25 fee includes transportation, a 200 level ticket for entrance to the game, and adult supervision for unaccompanied children. Children under 8 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is online, on a first come first serve basis, at: https://register.communitypass.net/EastWindsor. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or emailrecreation@east-windsor.nj.us.
Township Recreation Department Offers Aquatopia Indoor Waterpark and Snow Tubing Trip to Camelback Lodge in Tannersville, Pennsylvania on Friday, January 29 through January 31, 2016. The bus will leave from the municipal building on Friday, January 29 at 4:30 pm and return on Sunday, January 31 at approximately 6:00 pm. The $375 fee includes coach bus transportation, two night stay at Camelback Lodge in a double queen suite, two days of three hour snow tubing, unlimited use of the indoor water park, and daily breakfast, lunch and dinner during the stay. Registration is online, on a first come first serve basis, at:https://register.communitypass.net/EastWindsor. For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or email recreation@east-windsor.nj.us.
Deadline for Applications for 2013 "NJ Homestead (Rebate) Benefit" Extended to December 31, 2015. New Jersey residents who owned or occupied a home as of October 1, 2013 and meet the income qualifications may be eligible for this program. Applications can be filed on-line or by phone, 24 hours/7 days a week. To file applications on-line, go to www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/. To file application by phone, call 1-877-685-2972. For further information, call 1-888-238-1233, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm, or go towww.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/homestead/geninf.shtml, or email tonj.taxation@treas.state.nj.us.
Annual Windsor-Hightstown Area Ministerium (WHAM) Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Will Be Held on Sunday, November 22 at 7 pm, at First Baptist Church, 125 South Main Street, Hightstown.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
November 20, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Mercer County Reconstructing Maxwell Avenue Bridge over Timber Run between East Ward Street and Route 33 (Franklin Street) in Hightstown Borough. The work commenced on Monday, November 9, and is expected to continue for approximately 45 calendar days. Maxwell Avenue will be closed to all traffic on a 24/7 basis throughout the project duration.Motorists should follow signed detours. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm, and Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm.
East Windsor Participates in Womanspace "Communities of Light" Scheduled for Monday, December 7, to raise funds for domestic violence victim service provider Womanspace and raise public awareness about the important subject of domestic violence and available victim resources. Residents can participate with local elected officials and Township police on Monday, December 7 at 5 pm to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by refreshments. Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits for $10 each at any time at East Windsor Police/Municipal Court Building, 80 One Mile Road and bringing luminary kits to the event. All proceeds will go directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members kick off East Windsor participation in Womanspace "Communities of Light" on December 7 with private check donations to Womanspace Executive Director Patricia Hart. -
REMINDER: Mercer County Improvement Authority Holds Electronics Waste Collection/Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, November 21 from 9 am to 2 pm, rain or shine, at the Sun National Bank Center - Lot 1, at 80 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton (intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Route 129). For further information, visit the MCIA website at http://www.mcia-nj.com or call (609) 278-8086.
JCC Princeton Mercer Bucks (PMB) & JCC Abrams Camps Relocates to East Windsor Township at 148 Cedarville Road.Mayor Janice Mironov, Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks, Abrams Foundation, and community leaders and friends joined for a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new JCC PMB and JCC Abrams Camps. The JCC PMB has signed a long-term lease to rent the entire property including an existing campsite, owned by real estate developer Bernard Burkhoff. The JCC Abrams Day Camp & Teen Travel has been in existence since the early 1960's, providing a summer camp program for children from Pre-K through 10th Grade. For more information, contact Wendy Soos, Camp & Program Director, at (609) 606-7070 or visitwww.jccabramscamps.org.
JCC Princeton Mercer Bucks & JCC Abrams Camps holds a Ribbon Cutting for their new home at 148 Cedarville Road in East Windsor Township. -
Annual Windsor-Hightstown Area Ministerium (WHAM) Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Will Be Held on Sunday, November 22 at 7 pm, at First Baptist Church, 125 South Main Street, Hightstown.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
November 25, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
ALERT: Hankins Road Temporary Closure. Installation of a Sewer Line on Hankins Road at Route 130 Will Commence onWednesday, December 2 and Continue through December 3,weather permitting. Hankins Road will be closed to all traffic on a 24/7 basis throughout the project duration. Local residents will not have direct access to Route 130. Motorists should follow signed detours. Work hours are Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
East Windsor Participates in Womanspace "Communities of Light" Scheduled for Monday, December 7, to raise funds for domestic violence victim service provider Womanspace and raise public awareness about the important subject of domestic violence and available victim resources. Residents can participate with local elected officials and Township police on Monday, December 7 at 5 pm to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by refreshments. Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits for $10 each at any time at East Windsor Police/Municipal Court Building, 80 One Mile Road and bringing luminary kits to the event. All proceeds will go directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Holiday Train Show at New York Botanical Garden in Bronx, New York on Tuesday, December 8. Enchanting model trains zip through a display of 150 landmarks as the Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty and Rockefeller Center, each re-created with bark, leaves, and other natural materials - all under the twinkling glow of the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 8:00 am and return at approximately 4:30 pm. The cost is $35.00, and lunch on your own in their café (or bring your own). The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to Tour Exhibition"Cezanne and the Modern: Masterpieces of European Art from the Pearlman Collection" at Princeton University Art Museum in Princeton, New Jersey on Tuesday, December 22.This major exhibition will present Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces from the Pearlman Collection and will feature paintings and sculptures by artists who were transformative members of the avant-garde of the day. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 12:30 pm and return at approximately 4:00 pm. The cost is $5.00 plus 50 cents for transportation. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will OccurThursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27, due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Garbage Collection for Area #1 residents, normally on Thursday, November 26, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Monday, November 30. Garbage collection for Area #2 residents, normally on Friday, November 27, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Tuesday, December 1. Visit Township website at www.east-windsor.nj.us for public works schedules.
Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27 due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Warm Wishes for a Safe and Blessed Thanksgiving!
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Hector Duke, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
December 4, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: East Windsor Participates in Womanspace"Communities of Light" Scheduled for Monday, December 7,to raise funds for domestic violence victim service provider Womanspace and raise public awareness about the important subject of domestic violence and available victim resources. Residents can participate with local elected officials and Township police on Monday, December 7 at 5 pm to light up the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by refreshments. Citizens can participate by purchasing luminary kits for $10 each at any time at East Windsor Police/Municipal Court Building, 80 One Mile Road and bringing luminary kits to the event. Citizens also can purchase luminary kits and light up their neighborhood. All proceeds will go directly to Womanspace, the primary Mercer County organization providing a comprehensive array of services to individuals affected by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of abuse victims and their families. For further information, call (609) 448-5678, ext. 231.
Final Township Fall Leaf Collection Passes Have Begun. Leaf Collection for Area #1 residents began on Monday, November 30 and ends tomorrow, Saturday, December 5. Collection for Area #2 residents will begin Monday, December 7 and will end, weather permitting, Saturday, December 12. Additional full passes will be made throughout the Township, beginning Monday, December 14and concluding Thursday, December 24. Leaves may not be put out after December 21 to allow crews to finish the final pass by December 24. [CLICK HERE] for public works schedules.
Lightbridge Academy Breaks Ground on New Child Care Center at Southeast Corner of Route 130 and Old Cranbury Road. Construction of the 9,934 square foot facility is projected to be completed mid-2016. Established in 1997, Lightbridge Academy provides early education and child care to children ages six weeks through kindergarten, as well as special programming for children up to 10 years old during school holidays, breaks and summer camp. The company franchised in 2011 in an effort to expand their distinctive concept throughout the Northeast, and currently has over 70 child care centers either open or in development throughout Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. For further information, visit www.LightbridgeAcademy.com.
East Windsor Mayor and Council Members join with Lightbridge Academy executives to break ground on new facility at corner of Route 130 North and Old Cranbury Road. Pictured (from left to right) are: Council Member Peter Yeager; Council Member John Zoller; Phil Harvey, Chief Development Officer Lightbridge Franchise Company; Kalpesh Patel, Owner; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Chris Weiss, Vice President of Construction and Real Estate Lightbridge Franchise Company; David Falzarano, Vice President of Area Development Lightbridge Franchise Company, and Peter Patel, Owner. -
East Windsor Recreation Department Offers NHL Street Devils Hockey Program to Be Held at Rogers School BeginningSunday, January 10. The eight week program, which is offered for children in grades 1 through 8, is held from 10 am to 12 noon each Sunday at the Rogers School gym. Registration, which closes January 8, is available online at:
For further information or to register, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or email recreation@east-windsor.nj.us. -
East Windsor Awarded $5,000 "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" Enforcement Grant from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, to underwrite police officer salaries for added enforcement directed at intoxicated drivers. The program, which runs from December 11 through January 1, is a statewide campaign aimed at improving public safety by encouraging responsible driving during the 2015 year-end holiday season.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
December 11, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
All Work on Hankins Road at Route 130 Was Completed Last Week, and the road is fully open.
Rotis Indian Grill Opens in Town Center Plaza near Starplex Cinemas. Rotis, occupying 4,771 square feet, is a full service restaurant with a banquet hall. The restaurant offers authentic South Indian, North Indian, Tandoori dishes, and Indian traditional coffee, tea, juices and ice cream. Current hours of operation are daily from 11 am to 3 pm and 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm. For further information, visithttp://www.rotisusa.com.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov cuts the ribbon for the grand opening of Rotis Indian Grill in the Town Center Plaza near Starplex Cinemas. Pictured (from left to right) are: Arun Kakkad, Chef; Council Member Peter Yeager; Sanjeev Gayam, Owner; Vamsi Biru, Owner; Council Member Alan Rosenberg; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Council Member John Zoller, and Harini Kandadi, Owner.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov lights the ceremonial Diya, or lamp, to commemorate the grand opening of Rotis Indian Grill in the Town Center Plaza near Starplex Cinemas. Pictured (from left to right) are: Sanjeev Gayam, Owner; Council Member Peter Yeager; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Harini Kandadi, Owner; Vamsi Biru, Owner; Council Member John Zoller, and Council Member Alan Rosenberg. -
East Windsor Recreation Department Offers NHL Street Devils Hockey Program to Be Held at Rogers School BeginningSunday, January 10. The eight week program, which is offered for children in grades 1 through 8, is held from 10 am to 12 noon each Sunday at the Rogers School gym. Registration, which closes January 8, is available online at:
For further information or to register, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 225 or email recreation@east-windsor.nj.us. -
East Windsor Township Participated in Womanspace"Communities of Light" on December 7 to raise funds and public awareness of domestic violence and services available to victims. Mayor Janice S. Mironov, Council Members, Domestic Violence Victim Response Team members and police officers joined with residents to light candles around the entire perimeter and walkways of the Municipal Building. Communities of Light, benefiting victims of domestic violence, is sponsored by Womanspace, the lead non-profit organization in Mercer County that provides crisis intervention and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The mission of Womanspace is to provide a comprehensive array of services to individuals impacted by domestic violence and dedicated to improving the quality of life of women and their families.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov, police, and community volunteers participated in "Communities of Light," to raise funds for domestic violence victim service provider Womanspace as well as raise public awareness about the important subject of domestic violence and available victim resources. Pictured (from left to right) are: Matthew George; Shaila Vidwans; Womanspace Board Member/Retired East Windsor Chief of Police William Spain; Salim Manzar; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Mona Manzar; Detective Joseph Gorski; Chief of Police Harry Marshall; Animal Control Officer James St. John; Lieutenant James Geary; Lieutenant Chris Jackson, and Lieutenant Jeff Dorrian.
East Windsor Police Department participated in "Communities of Light" to raise funds for domestic violence victim service provider Womanspace as well as raise public awareness about the important subject of domestic violence and available victim resources. Pictured (from left to right) are: Womanspace Board Member/Retired East Windsor Chief of Police William Spain; Lieutenant Chris Jackson; Lieutenant James Geary; Lieutenant Jeff Dorrian; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Animal Control Officer James St. John; Detective Brian Gorski; Patrol Officer Philip Melhorn; Detective Joe Gorski, and Chief of Police Harry Marshall.
East Windsor Council Members and area elected officials participated in "Communities of Light". Pictured (from left to right) are: Womanspace Board Member/Retired East Windsor Chief of Police William Spain; Council Member Perry Shapiro; Senator Linda Greenstein; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Mercer County Freeholder Andrew Koontz; Council Member Peter Yeager; Council Member John Zoller, and Council Member Alan Rosenberg. -
East Windsor Township Annual Reorganization Meeting Is Scheduled for Friday, January 1 at 10:45 am at the East Windsor Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard). The public is invited to attend the largely ceremonial meeting at which the Township Council makes appointments to Township boards and committees, and does various recognitions. Refreshments will be provided following the meeting.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
December 18, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Township Annual Reorganization Meeting Is Scheduled for Friday, January 1 at 10:45 am at the East Windsor Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard). The public is invited to attend the largely ceremonial meeting at which the Township Council makes appointments to Township boards and committees, and does various recognitions. Refreshments will be provided following the meeting.
Jersey Central Power & Light to Begin Local Phase of Transmission Line Project in Mid-January 2016, and lasting for approximately 2 to 3 months. JCP&L, which made a presentation at the December 8 Council meeting, indicated that this local work is part of a new transmission line system between the existing Englishtown substation in Manalapan and the existing Wyckoff Street substation in Hightstown. The project will consist of installing power poles and lines along Route 33 west from Twin Rivers Drive to Probasco Road, then along Probasco Road, Wyckoff Mills Road and Cranbury Station Road. This initiative, referenced as the "Energizing the Future" project, is intended to replace existing equipment with advanced technologies designed to enhance system reliability, meet projected growing need for electricity, and reinforce the system in light of power plant deactivations. During construction, temporary parking restrictions will be required along Probasco Road between Route 33 and Canterbury Court and there may be some temporary roadway disruptions, for which prior notice will be provided.
East Windsor Township Mayor and Council Encourage Citizens to Volunteer for Township Boards and Committees.Citizens can apply to serve on the Clean Communities Advisory Committee, Commission on Aging, East Windsor Municipal Utilities Authority, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission, Health Advisory Board, Planning Board, Recreation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and the East Windsor Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. Residents interested in volunteering can obtain an application form from the municipal clerk or can fill out this form (click here) and return by email to clerk@east-windsor.nj.us, by fax to (609) 443-8303, or by mail to Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, East Windsor Township Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard, East Windsor, New Jersey 08520. For further information, call the Municipal Clerk's Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 240.
Residents Are Encouraged to Register and Urge Other Residents to Register to Receive E-News Updates. E-News is used for alert communications in significant weather and service impacted situations, as well as generally weekly to provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants, special events and other subjects of public interest. (CLICK HERE) to register for E-News. East Windsor officials seek to expand resident subscribers. Please send this E-News information to your East Windsor friends encouraging them to sign up.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
December 24, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
East Windsor Township Annual Reorganization Meeting Is Scheduled for Friday, January 1 at 10:45 am at the East Windsor Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard). The public is invited to attend the largely ceremonial meeting at which the Township Council makes appointments to Township boards and committees, and does various recognitions. Refreshments will be provided following the meeting.
No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Township Holidays Friday, December 25 and Friday, January 1. Garbage Collection for Area #2 residents, normally on Friday, December 25, will be on the next scheduled collection date ofTuesday, December 29. Garbage collection for Area #2 residents, normally on Friday, January 1, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Tuesday, January 5. (CLICK HERE) for public works schedules.
Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Friday, December 25 andFriday, January 1 due to Township holidays.
East Windsor Township 2016 New Year's Food Drive will kick off January 1 and continue through January 31. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members are asking area residents and businesses to drop off donated non-perishable food items at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard) during business hours, the East Windsor Police/Court Building (80 One Mile Road) 24/7, or at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 (69 Twin Rivers Drive).Food donations also can be brought to the East Windsor Reorganization Meeting on January 1 at 10:45 am at the Township Senior Center. The food drive will benefit the food pantries of RISE and St. Anthony's Church, area-based organizations that provide assistance to local individuals and families.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to The Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie Mansion in Trenton on Tuesday, January 5. The Ellarslie Museum, located in a converted 19th century mansion in the middle of Cadwalader Park, houses rotating art shows of local artists downstairs and a permanent collection on Trenton history upstairs. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 1:00 pm and return at approximately 4:30 pm. The cost is $5.00 plus 50 cents cash for transportation. The deadline to register isDecember 30. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to "The Elvis Birthday Bash" at the Count Basie Theater in Red Bank, New Jersey onFriday, January 15. Acclaimed Elvis impersonators Scot Bruce and Mike Albert each perform Elvis' greatest hits in a live show and are proven crowd pleasers. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 6:00 pm and return at approximately 10:30 pm. The cost is $39.00. The deadline to register is January 8. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.
Mayor Janice Mironov and Members of Council -- Denise Daniels, Marc Lippman, Alan Rosenberg, Perry Shapiro, Peter Yeager, and John Zoller -- Present
East Windsor Township
E-News Updates!
December 31, 2015
E-News Updates are sent generally weekly and provide information on new businesses and stores, roadway projects, grants and special events, among other subjects of public interest. The Township views this as another very important means of keeping residents informed about what is happening in East Windsor. Please tell your friends and neighbors about this service and encourage them to subscribe.
REMINDER: East Windsor Township Annual Reorganization Meeting Is Scheduled for Friday, January 1 at 10:45 am at theEast Windsor Township Senior Center (40 Lanning Boulevard). The public is invited to attend the largely ceremonial meeting at which the Township Council makes appointments to Township boards and committees, and does various recognitions. Refreshments will be provided following the meeting.
East Windsor Township 2016 New Year's Food Drive will kick off January 1 and continue through January 31. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members are asking area residents and businesses to drop off donated non-perishable food items at the East Windsor Municipal Building (16 Lanning Boulevard) during business hours, the East Windsor Police / Court Building (80 One Mile Road) 24/7, or at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 (69 Twin Rivers Drive).Food donations also can be brought to the East Windsor Reorganization Meeting on January 1 at 10:45 am at the Township Senior Center. The food drive will benefit the food pantries of RISE and St. Anthony's Church, area-based organizations that provide assistance to local individuals and families.
Denise Daniels Appointed to East Windsor Township Council to Fill Vacancy Created by Passing of Council Member Hector Duke. New Council Member Denise Daniels has been a member of the Township Planning Board since 2012, and prior thereto served as a member and Vice Chairperson of the Township Economic Development Committee. Council Member Daniels also has served on the Better Beginnings Childcare Center Board of Trustees for the past 8 years, in addition to other area volunteer activities. A longtime resident of East Windsor, her children attended the East Windsor Regional School District system, during which she volunteered including serving as co-chairperson of the After Prom Committee. She works as the Director of Community Outreach and Volunteer Operations for the United Way of Greater Mercer County.
Mayor Janice S. Mironov administers oath of office to new Council Member Denise Daniels (center) as her son Adam Daniels holds the Bible. -
No Township Curbside Garbage Collection Will Occur on Township Holiday, Friday, January 1. Garbage collection for Area #2 residents, normally on Friday, January 1, will be on the next scheduled collection date of Tuesday, January 5. (CLICK HERE) for public works schedules.
Township Offices Will Be CLOSED Friday, January 1 due to Township holiday.
Oath of Office Administered to New Police Officer Karl Johnston, III, who fills a police vacancy. Officer Johnston, who has been assigned to the Uniform Services Division, graduated from the Mercer County Police Academy in 2015. He graduated from The Peddie School in 2006, received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from Rider University in 2011, and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in Education from Midland University.
Pictured (from left to right) are: Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Police Officer Karl Johnston, III, and Chief of Police Harry Marshall. -
Township Senior Center Offers Trip to "Vatican Splendors Exhibit" at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia on Friday, January 29. The exhibit features over 200 works of art and historically significant objects that offer a great mosaic of 2,000 years of the history of the Roman Catholic Church. The bus will leave from the Senior Center, 40 Lanning Boulevard, at 8:00 am and return at 4:00 pm. The cost which includes admission to The Franklin Institute and the Vatican Splendors exhibit and self-guided tour is $39.00, and lunch is on your own in Museum cafeteria. The deadline to register isJanuary 8. The Senior Center is open to seniors ages 60 years old and over who reside in East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough. Contact (609) 371-7192 for additional information.
Best Wishes for a Happy Healthy Peaceful 2016!
"Spotlight East Windsor" with Mayor Janice S. Mironov is the place for additional timely news and information about the Township. Watch and call Mayor Mironov live on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Comcast Channel 27 and Verizon Channel 38. Shows replay Mondays at 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Click here to view the most recent broadcast. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto www.east-windsor.nj.us.
For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192.